PT. Liebra Permana Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km 31 Kec,. Bawen Kab. Semarang. Perusahaan Garment Intimate Apparel, kapasitas produksi mencapai ratusan ribu tiap bulan dan 1005 eksportMembutuhkan tenaga professional dan pekerja keras untuk mengisi beberapa posisi diantaranya:1. Supervisor PPIC/PPC (berpengalaman)2. Staff PPIC / PPC (berpengalaman)Syarat Umum:1.* IPK > 2,.75* Energik, sanggup bekerja keras* Bisa mengoperasikan computer (min. Ms. Office)* Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif* Bekerja jujur dan bertanggung jawabLamaran lengkap...
Walk in Interview di Sriwijaya Air Maret 2010 Yogyakarta
PT Sriwijaya Air adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penerbangan swasta nasional dengan ini mengajak tenaga - tenaga muda yang enerjik, inisiatif, memiliki kemauan untuk belajar, dan kemampuan menjalin kerja sama dalam kelompok, untuk bergabung bersama kami menjadi Flight Attendant.Persyaratan:1. Wanita/Pria2. Berijazah Minimal SMA + (Plus)3. Usia 19 - 24 tahun4. Tinggi Badan (Wanita Min. 165 CM, Pria Min. 168 CM)5. Tidak Berkaca Mata/ Kontak Lens6. Berpenampilan Menarik dan Ramah7. Dapat Bekerja dengan Cepat, Tepat,...
Lowongan Staff Quality Control di PT Rohto Laboratories Maret 2011
PT Rohto Laboratories - As a growing company in pharmaceutical & cosmetic industry, we are seeking for a qualified candidate as:Quality Control Staff / SPVGeneral Requirements:* Age max. 35 years old* S1 Pharmacist (Apoteker)* Experienced in QC field in Pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic manufacturing min. 2 years.* Good Knowledge in GMP* Understanding of analytical chemical & microbiological instrumentation* Can work in under pressure* Proficient in English* Willing to stay in BANDUNGPlease send your complete CV not later...
Lowongan Perbankan Bank Mizuho Februari Maret 2011 Feb
Lowongan Perbankan Bank Mizuho Februari Maret 2011 posisi CREDIT ADMIN STAFF (CAS) dan ADMIN ASSISTANT (AA)PT. Bank Mizuho Indonesia, a subsidiary of Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. Japan, is now looking for qualified people to fill vacant positions in its office in Jakarta.If you enjoy challenge, creative, self-motivated, able to work autonomously, a team player and also have relevant experience, then we are the company for you.CREDIT ADMIN STAFF (CAS)You will be in charge in supporting Credit Risk Control (CRC) team by assisting...
Info Karir di Mojokerto Jawa Timur Maret 2011 PT Roman Ceramic International
We are leading manufacturer in export-oriented ceramic-tile industry (a subsidiary company of LYMAN Group) which located in Ngoro – Mojokerto, East Java.A. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT1. JUNIOR PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (JSP-RCI)Requirements :• Male, maximum 25 years old of age• Diploma III in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering• Good Command in English• Having strong leadership capability• Computer literate (Advance Level of PhotoShop)• Able to work independently nor as part of a team2. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (PSP-RCI)Requirements :• Male,...
Info Lowongan English Teacher di St Angela Merici Preschool
We, a National Plus Preschool, are looking for dedicated English teachers to teach in our in our school.If you are: 1. In the 8th semester (last semester) 2. Female 3. Experienced in teaching preferably 4. Able to deal with students 5. Good in written and spoken English 6. Creative and activePlease write your application letter in English and enclose following: 1. Curriculus citae 2. 1 photocopy of KHS (the last 2 semesters) 3. 1 photocopy ot STTB SMAand other qualifications 4. 1 photocopyof KTP 5. 1 photocopyof...
Lowongan TNI AL Lulusan SMU/SMA/MA Tahun 2011
TNI AL BUKA PENDAFTARAN KADET AAL TAHUN 2011Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut memberi kesempatan kepadapara pemuda terbaik untuk dididik menjadi Kadet Akademi Angkatan Laut.Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 1 sampai dengan 21 April 2011.Persyaratan umum :- Warga Negara Indonesia,- beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,- Setia kepada NKRI berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945- Sehat jasmani maupun rohani,- Tidak memiliki catatan kriminalitas yang dikeluarkan Polressetempat.Persyaratan lainnya- Pria- Berijazah SMA/Madrasah...
Lowongan Perawat, Dokter Umum, Radiografer, Analis Lab, Customer Service, Marketing di RS Premier Jatinegara
RS Premier JatinegaraKesempatan KarirDalam rangka memberikan pelayanan yang optimal kepada pelanggan, RS Premier Jatinegara membutuhkan tenaga yang dinamis, memiliki integritas tinggi dan profesional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:A. Dokter UmumB. Medical Relation OfficerC. Marketing StafD. Customer ServiceE. PerawatR. Analis LaboratorlumG. RadiograferH. Maintenance StaffI. Asisten ApotekerPersyaratan Umum* Pendidikan minimal: Profesi Kedokteran (A, B), S1 Segala Jurusan (C, D), Profess Keperawatan (E), D3 Analis Kesehatan (F),...
Lowongan Flight Attendant di Air Asia, Walk in Interview di Bandung Maret 2011
PT Indonesia Air Asia, the leading low fare airline in the Asia -AirAsia has been expanding rapidly since 2001, to become an awardwinning and the largest low cost carrier in Asia. With a fleet of 72aircrafts, AirAsia flies to over 61 domestic and internationaldestinations with 108 routes, and operates over 400 flights daily fromhubs located in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. To date, AirAsia hasflown over 55 million guests across the region and continues to spreadits wings to create more extensive route network through its...
Lowongan Kerja di Sriwijaya Air Yogyakarta sebagai Flight Attendant Walk in Interview
PT Sriwijaya Air adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penerbangan swasta nasional dengan ini mengajak tenaga - tenaga muda yang enerjik, inisiatif, memiliki kemauan untuk belajar, dan kemampuan menjalin kerja sama dalam kelompok, untuk bergabung bersama kami menjadi Flight Attendant.Persyaratan:1. Wanita/Pria2. Berijazah Minimal SMA + (Plus)3. Usia 19 - 24 tahun4. Tinggi Badan (Wanita Min. 165 CM, Pria Min. 168 CM)5. Tidak Berkaca Mata/ Kontak Lens6. Berpenampilan Menarik dan Ramah7. Dapat Bekerja dengan Cepat, Tepat,...
Lowongan Kerja D3 IT Web Programmer PT. SPASI INDONESIA 2011 Lowongan Kerja D3 IT Web Programmer PT. SPASI INDONESIA 2011
URGENTLY REQUIREDPT SPASI Indonesia is a technology company that focuses on Internet technology, Telecommunications, providing products and services that help business partners in applying the Internet and Telecommunications technology effectively and efficiently. To support our expansion, we are looking for candidates with following criterias:Web Programmer (WP)Qualifications: 1. Min. D3 majoring in Information Technology, Computer Science, Informatics Engineering or related disciplines with min. GPA of 3,00 2. At least...
Lowongan Kerja D3/S1 Sekretaris Medan Maret 2011
PT. ESHAM DIMA MANDIRIPT Esham Dima Mandiri, National Distributor Premium Consumer Goods is seeking for highly qualified individuals to join us to meet the current and future growth for:Sekretaris – MedanKualifikasi: * Wanita, Maksimal 27 tahun * Pendidikan D3 / S1 * Menguasai Excel & Fungsinya (Harus) * Teliti, Rapi, dan Cekatan * Berpengalaman dibidangnya minimal 1 tahun * Menguasai Bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin * Penempatan: MedanHanya lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diprosesKirimkan Lamaran...
Lowongan Kerja Production Supervisor Group Tempo 2011
THE TEMPO GROUPTempo Group that was established in 1953 is a business group engaged in the production, marketing, and license holders of pharmaceutical products, Nutrasetikal, Health Care, Cosmetics, and soft drinks with famous brands such as: hemaviton, bodrexin, Bodrex, NEO Rheumacyl, Oskadon, vidoran, Revlon, Estee Lauder, Clinique, Marina, MY BABY, claudia, Total Care, SOS, PRITHO, Exclusive Barclay, Fraser & Neave (F & N), and others.Currently, a subsidiary of Tempo Group, requires a skilled workforce, highly dedicated,...
Lowongan Legal Kompas Februari 2011
We are an established online news media, focus on Internet technology, multimedia and e-commerce, currently seeking for a professional to fill the following positions:Legal & Employee Relation Staff [HR – LIR]Responsible for handling legal affairs and industrial relations employee:* Single with maximum age 26 years* S1 from leading universities, majoring in Law with minimum GPA 3:00* Preferably have relevant experience min. 1 year* Mastering the Law Ketenagakerjaaan* Good knowledge in addressing issues of industrial relations...
owongan Kerja TWC Bintan
TWC BintanPT. TWC Bintan is an Oil and Gas Construction and shipyard company. We are currently expanding our operation which requires highly motivated person and team player to fill the following position which will be based in Bintan Island Kepulauan Riau:Naval Architect Engineer(Riau - Bintan)Requirements:* Degree in Naval Architect, with minimum 5 years of proven relevant experience in reputable shipyards and/or Oil and Gas Company.* Provide engineering design, analysis, calculation, analysis and ship construction methodology....
Lowongan BUMN Asuransi Jasindo
Asuransi Jasa IndonesiaAsuransi Jasindo, a state-owned company operating in general insurance, all shares of PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia are owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Having been in existence since the colonial era, Asuransi Jasindo has been blessed with long and worthwhile experiences in managing general insurance business.As a pioneer in this line of business,the Company has been entrusted by the people in and outside of the country, and has over the years enjoyed good growth. In its professional...
Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduate, Accounting, Management in Sharp Corporation
Sharp Corporation has a long history of creating breakthrough productsdesigned to meet the needs of people living in Australia and aroundthe world. Since the company was founded in Osaka, Japan in 1912,where Sharp produced the first self-propelling pencil called the “EverSharp”, we have gone from strength to strength.Today, Sharp produce variety of electronics products and sold in morethan 140 countries. There are 27 manufacturing operations, 23 salescompanies and 9 representative offices in 15 countries. Now SharpIndonesia...
Lowongan Kerja Dosen di Univ. Sanata Dharma Maret 2011
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia, dan Daerah (PBSID),FKIP, Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta membutuhkan tenaga pengajar program S1 dengan ketentuan:1. Memiliki latar belakang keilmuan di bidang bahasa dan sastraIndonesia atau pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia.2. Minimal memiliki jenjang pendidikan S2 dalam maupun luar negeri.3. Minimal memiliki IPK 3,404. Tidak sedang studi lanjut5. Memiliki keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani (surat keterangandokter bebas narkoba)6. Memiliki SKKB dari kepolisian7....
Lowongan Kerja Account Officer Medan PT BPR Pijer Podi Kekelengen Maret 2011
Direksi PT.BPR Pijer Podi Kekelengen membutuhkan lima (5) orang tenagakerja yang akan ditempatkan sebagai account officer dengan statuspegawai tetap, dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:A. Persyaratan Umum:- Laki-laki- Lulusan Sarjana atau Diploma III dari seluruh jurusan/bidang studydengan IPK minimal 2,75 dari skala maksimal 4,00- Berusia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 30 tahun pada tanggal 1Februari 2011.- Lulus seleksi penerimaan calon pegawai dalam 5 tahap, yaitu:1. seleksi administratif /berkas lamaran2. ujian tertulis3. wawancara4....
Lowongan Bank,Personal Banker, Relationship Officer di Bank BTPN Maret 2010
BTPN dikenal sebagai bank publik skala menengah bereputasi prima dansalah satu bank dengan kinerja keuangan terbaik di Indonesia, yangtelah meraih berbagai pengakuan dalam bentuk penghargaan darilembaga-lembaga terkemuka dan terpercaya. Kini BTPNmenciptakan peluang bagi putera-puteri terbaik Indonesia untuk tumbuh bersama secaraoptimal, dengan posisi :Personal Bankers (RF-PB) (Jawa Tengah – Semarang – Kudus – Tegal) Responsibilities:- Mencapai target funding dengan melakukan akuisisi nasabah baru,me-maintain nasabah existing...
Lowongan Pustakawan Politeknik Telkom Bandung Maret 2011
Politeknik Telkom saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga profesional dibidang pustakawan, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:- Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun- Pendidikan S1 (Ilmu Perpustakaan)- IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4,0)- Berpengalaman sebagai pustakawan minimal 2 tahun- Memahami sistem pengelolaan pangkalan data- Mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)- Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik- Teliti, kreatif, dan dapat bekerja sama dalam tim- Sehat jasmani dan rohaniKirimkan lamaran Anda beserta Riwayat Hidup, foto 4×6 berwarna...
Lowongan Kerja Dokter, Perawat, Rsdiografer, Analis Laboratorium RS Premier Jatinegara
Dalam rangka memberikan peloyanan yang optimal kepada pelanggan, RS Premier Jatinegara membutuhkan tenaga yang dinamis, memiliki integritas tinggi dan professional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:A. Dokter UmumB. Medical Relation OfficerC. Marketing StafD. Customer ServiceE. PerawatR. Analis LaboratorlumG. RadiograferH. Maintenance StaffI. Asisten ApotekerPersyaratan Umum- Pendidikan minimal: Profesi Kedokteran (A, B), S1 Segala Jurusan (C, D), Profess Keperawatan (E), D3 Analis Kesehatan (F), D3 Radiodiagnostik (G), D3/S1 Teknik...
Lowongan Kerja Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Maret 2011
PT. Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi sebagai salah satu bank terbaik di kelasnya yang menyandang predikat Sangat Bagus dalam rating InfoBank selama lima belas tahun berturut-turut (1995-2009) mengundang Anda untuk mengambil bagian strategis dalam pengembangan usaha di masa yang akan datang. Program ini terdiri dari in-class training dan on-the-job training untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan secara komprehensif mengenai perbankan dan pengalaman dalam manajemen perbankan.Pelamar harus memenuhi persyaratan berikut:- Pendidikan minimum S1/S2...
Lowongan Guru Matematika, Mandarin, Akunting Yayasan Pancaran Maitri Maret 2011
Kami, Yayasan Pancaran Maitri yang menaungi Sekolah Maitreyawira diBatam, terdiri dari KB-TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA, saat ini sedang mencariSDM yang berkualitas antara lain :GURU KELAS (untuk KB-TK)GURU BIMBINGAN KONSELING (untuk SMP)GURU SEJARAH (untuk SMP)GURU TEMATIK PGSD (untuk SD)GURU B.MANDARIN (untuk TK, SD, LPP)GURU BIMBEL SD (untuk LPP)TENAGA AKUNTING (ditempatkan di yayasan)Kualifikasi yang kami minta :1. Bersedia ditempatkan di Batam2. Memiliki passion mengajar yang tinggi (posisi guru)3. Lulusan S1 sesuai bidangnya/jurusannya4....
Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduate Teknik Pertambangan, Geologist, HR in Berau Coal Maret 2011
Berau Coal Job VacancyWe are one of the largest and fast growing coal mining company havingour operation in East-Kalimantan. We are seeking for suitablyqualified and professional candidates for the following positions:Geologist- Reporting to Geology Operation Superintendent, the appointeewill be responsible to interpret coal geological aspect (correlation,geological structure), supervise the drilling activities, andwell-logging result interpretation in the area of exploration.Requirements- Male, maximum 27 years old.- Bachelor...
Lowongan Kerja Psychology, Engineering, Administration, Social Science PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya Maret 2011
PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) has been present in Jakarta to improveclean water provision and services to the people in the western partof Jakarta since February 1st, 1998 for a 25 years of CooperationAgreement with PAM Jaya. PALYJA is part of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, abusiness line of GDF SUEZ France, which provides Water and WasteServices as well as related equipment essential for day to day lifeand the environment protection; and also part of PT AstratelNusantara, business line of ASTRA Group – Indonesia which runsbusiness in...
Lowongan Kerja Auditor, Tax Consultant, Sekretaris PT MAAS Standard Consulting Maret 2011
PT MAAS Standard Consulting, perusahaan konsultan yang berdomisili diJakarta dan bergerak di bidang Accounting Service, Tax, serta BusinessDevelopment Compiliance membutuhkan tenaga ahli dan profesional.Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap ke, paling lambattanggal 10 Maret 2011.Posisi :A.Senior Auditor (SA)B.Junior Auditor/Accounting Consultant Staff (JA)C.Junior Tax Consultant (JTC)D.Senior Tax Consultant (STC)E.Sekretraris Perusahaan (SP)Persyaratan :1.Pria2.Lulusan S1 Accounting (JA/SA)3.Lulusan S1 Accounting...
Info Lowongan Bank, Officer, Marketing, Teller PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Maret 2011
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri comes as the bank that combines idealism withthe business of spiritual values that underlie its operations. Harmonybetween the ideals of business and spiritual values that is the one ofthe benefits of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to bankingservices in Indonesia. We need a proactive person who loves workingwith people or support others to succeed. Who proud of the work andthe results of their work, and have the integrity, accuracy andself-actualization. Bank Syariah Mandiri invites professionals...
Info Lowongan Pharmacist PT Rohto Laboratories Maret 2011
PT Rohto Laboratories - As a growing company in pharmaceutical &cosmetic industry, we are seeking for a qualified candidate as:Quality Control Staff / SPVGeneral Requirements:- Age max. 35 years old- S1 Pharmacist (Apoteker)- Experienced in QC field in Pharmaceutical and/or cosmeticmanufacturing min. 2 years.- Good Knowledge in GMP- Understanding of analytical chemical & microbiologicalinstrumentation- Can work in under pressure- Proficient in English- Willing to stay in BANDUNGPlease send your complete CV not later...
Info Lowongan PT CNBM International Indonesia Maret 2011
PT.CNBM INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA is a branch company of CNBM international corporation(“CNBM ” in briefly ), CNBM is a government company in China with total assets around 11 billion, and total staff around 100 thousand by the end of 2009. Major product of CNBM is cement, steel and other building materials. PT.CNBM INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA is one of the total 10 overseas branch companies of CNBM, and will help headquarter to selling product and looking for resource like coal in Indonesia and other south-east Asia country.Job Description:-...
Info Lowongan Psychology, HR, Manager in The Company OMG Asia
OMG ASIAWe are one of the largest integrated retail marketing service companyin Asia ( To support its business growth andoperation in Indonesia, the company is urgently looking for a highqualified candidate to fill the position as:A. HR and GA MANAGER (HRGA Manager)Responsibilities :- Develop HRGA Strategies & Planning to achieve corporate businessobjectives.- Develop a strategic partnership with key members of the company toprovide high quality, cost effective HR and GA services- Prepare and Manage Man...
Info Lowongan Marketing, IT, Analyst, Surveyor PT Asuransi Astra Buana Maret 2011
PT Asuransi Astra Buana is a reputable General Insurance, under AstraGroup. We are a service based company. We carried major brandsincluding numerous award winner Garda Oto and other commercialproducts of Astra Insurance.Our branches cover area all overIndonesia.As an Indonesia Most Admired Company (Business Week 2007 & 2008), weemploy the best human resources from diverse discipline and togetherwe bring “peace of mind to millions”.Now we are opening position for:Marketing Communications AnalystWork Location: JakartaRequirements:-...
Info Lowongan HRD PT Djarum Maret 2011
PT DjarumWe are the leading manufacturer of kretek in the world. For more than50 years, we have delivered high-quality kreteks to ensure ourcustomer satisfaction. Our well known brands, such as Djarum Super,Djarum Black and LA Lights, are sold in numerous countries and alreadybecome international best sellers. Our success comes from diversearray of highly talented people who are fueled with passion forperformance, dedication and being consistently innovative. Ourenvironment is all about teamwork, integrity and mutual respect.We...
Lowongan IT Staff Februari Maret 2011
Lowongan IT STAFF (IT) untuk sarjana lulusan S1 IT (teknologi informasi) / Information SystemBintang Network, a group media communication (advertising media) inviting you to fulfill the position: IT STAFF (IT) Requirements: - Male, max. 27 years old, single - Bachelor degree (S1) in Information System / IT- Experienced in similar position 1 year or Fresh graduate are welcome - Have knowledge/skill in software (visual basic, RDBMS, Network, LAN/Server, Delphi), include maintain and trouble shooting - Understand computer...
Lowongan Kerja Supervisor Matahari Dept. Store Maret 2011
JOIN OUR NEW STORE OPENING TEAM!!!Perusahaan retail terkemuka di Indonesia mengajak anda untuk bergabung dengan tim sukses kami sebagai: 1. Store Supervisor2. Store HR – Supervisor3. Visual Merchandising Supervisor4. Maintenance Supervisor PERSYARATAN UMUM: - Pria/Wanita, maks. 28 tahun. Lulusan dari Universitas terkemuka, IPK > 2,75.- TB = Pria min.168 cm, Wanita min.158 cm; dengan berat badan proporsional.- Pengalaman di bidang yang sama akan menjadi nilai tambah- Bersedia mengikuti jam kerja shift, dan ditempatkan...
Lowongan Kerja HRD PT Airfast Indonesia
PT Airfast Indonesia - Our family has been in the business for over 35 years; engaging in various types of missions ranging from bush flying to corporate executive charter. In early days of its establishment, AIRFAST progressively gained reputation by delivering services in ways that many other operators were not able to provide. AIRFAST is built upon the common belief in safety and passion of aviation industry shared accross every personnel in the company, which makes it a strong foundation that benefits both AIRFAST and our...
Lowongan Kerja Bank BII Maret 2011
Bank BII Jobs VacancyTo support our business, we are currently inviting talents who seek new challenges to apply for:Frontliner (Teller/ Customer Service) (Code: FL) - JakartaRequirements- Male/female, maximum 26 years old- Minimum Diploma Degree (D3)- Minimum GPA 2.75 (Teller) and 2.50 (Customer Service)- Good appearance- Having good communication skill and service focus on the service- Proficient in English both verbal and written- Able to working individually or in a teamAccount Officer (Code: Account-O) - JakartaRequirements-...
Info Lowongan Human Officer, Social Science di PT Elnusa, Tbk
PT Elnusa Tbk is a National Public Company with main business activities in Up Stream Oil & Gas Services. Beside our main Business activities, we also engage in three main pillars; Up Stream Supports, Down Stream, & Asset and Competency Based. We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidate to fill the position within our companies as:Humas OfficerResponsibilities:- To handle land compensation matters as per company and government policies in consultation with assistant manager administration and government departments-...
Info Lowongan Engineer di Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in energy and infrastructure, industrial processes, building automation, and data centers/networks, as well as a broad presence in residential applications. Focused on making energy safe, reliable and efficient through an active commitment to help individual and organization “Make the most of their energy.” For facing the current business challenges, we require proficient, efficient and highly motivated individuals...
Info Lowongan Bank as Secretary, Manager, Underwriter di Indonesia Eximbank
Indonesia Eximbank is a Government’s special financial institution, established by the Act of Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2009 concerning Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (LPEI).It is the basis for national export development through a National Export Financing scheme by providing export financing, guarantee, insurance and advisory services, in both conventional and sharia-based principles.We here with challenge you who believe in the future best opportunities to join our institution. We will review your resume and...
Lowongan Kerja di Kereta Api tamatan SMA dan SMK Tahun 2011
PERSYARATAN DAN KRITERIA REKRUTMEN TINGKAT SLTA UNTUK MASINIS DAN PPKA TAHUN 2011 A. Kriteria Pelamar1 Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)2 Jenis Kelamin : Pria3 Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak buta warna4 Berkelakuan baik5 Berijazah SMA (IPA,IPS) / SMK atau lebih tinggi.6 Mempunyai nilai Matematika di ijasah SMA IPA/SMK atau nilai Ekonomi di ijasah SMA IPS minimal 6,007 Usia pelamar per 31 Januari 2011 minimal 18 tahun, maksimal 25 tahun8 Tinggi/berat badan minimal 160 cm (Berat Badan ideal)9...
Lowongan BUMN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pelindo) Februari-Maret 2011
PT PELABUHAN INDONESIA III (PERSERO). Dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia di seluruh wilayah kerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero), kami mengundang kandidat profesional yang menyukai tantangan dan ingin berkembang, untuk bergabung menjadi bagian klien kami tersebut. PELAKSANA BIDANG OPERASI * D3/D4 Tata Laksana Kepelabuhanan / Manajemen Angkutan Laut dan Kepelabuhanan (P-1)* Minimal ANT III (P-2) PELAKSANA BIDANG TEKNIK * D3 Teknik Mesin (P-3)* D3 Teknik Listrik / Elektro (P-4)* D3 Teknik Sipil (P-5)*...
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