Informasi Lowongan Kerja Staff Junior Guarantee Bank HSBC Juli 2010

At HSBC, the balance of life of our employee is always be our first priority. That is why many of our people consider their office as their second home, a place where they can enjoy their work. We offer you the opportunity to become our new member of the House. Please explore this opportunity to find out more: Staff Junior Guarantee(Code : JS Staff HG TSC - CBA 10) (Jakarta Raya) Responsibilities:The jobholder is responsible to process guarantee application request and communicate with the customer regarding any additional...

Informasi Lowongan Nestle Terbaru Juli 2010

We are looking for ambitious young graduated people with a vision, determination and a desire to succeed. Able to work in a team, integrating well with different disciplines, cultures and nationalities. People with leadership qualities, self confident and realistic to become our : MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Requirements :* Agraduate of year 2009 or 2010, fresh graduate or having less than 1 year professional experience with Bachelor/Master Degree from reputable university and with min GPA 3* Actively involved in organizational/extracurricular...

Eni Saipem - Account Payable, HR, Purchasing, Environmental Engineer, Offshore Methods Engineer

Saipem (43% owned by Eni) is a leader in the provision of engineering, procurement, project management and construction services for the oil & gas industry, with unique capabilities in designing and executing large-scale offshore and onshore projects. We have a strong expertise in operating in deep water and remote areas. We have significant technological competence in gas monetization and heavy oil exploitation. Junior Account PayableQualifications Educational background, base on AccountingGPA minimum 3 or...

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk - Technical / Operational Support

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk - Holcim Indonesia is one of the largest and the most fully integrated cement producers incorporating aggregates and ready mixed concrete production. Today we are also a pioneer in leading a paradigm shift in the sector, from a commodity perspective to recognized brand values, from basic cement production to integrated building materials, solutions and sustainable construction. We believe in the power of people development which plays a vital role in the shift. If you...

Lowongan Kerja Guru Tetap Yayasan Pendidikan Mutiara Baru Juli 2010

Dibutuhkan segera:GURU TETAP/FULL TIMEPersyaratan:1. Laki-laki/perempuan2. Minimal Lulusan S1, dari semua jurusan ( memiliki Akta IV diutamakan)3. Memiliki perngalaman mengajar. Fresh Graduates, juga dipersilahkan untuk melamar4. Memiliki semangat mengajar & manajemen kelas yang baik5. Dapat berbahasa Inggris, baik lisan ataupun tulisan6. Dapat mengaplikasikan program computer (ms. Office & Internet)7. Diutamakan berdomisi di daerah BekasiKirim CV dan Lamaran lengkap ke alamat dibawah ini :Jl. Pramuka Kav. 05, Sepanjang...

Lowongan Customer Relation PT Putra Indonesia Bersama Juli 2010

Kami adalah perusahaan di bidang properti yang sedang berkembang yang berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan, membutuhkan :Customer RelationKualifikasi:* Wanita* Maksimal 30 tahun* Pengalaman di bidang properti minimal 1 tahun* Sehat Jasmani Rohani & berpenampilan menarik* Bisa berbahasa Inggris* Min Pendidikan S1 Perhotelan / Public Relation* Berdomisili di JakartaLamaran lengkap beserta CV dan dokumen pendukung dapat dikirim ke alamat berikut:PT. Putra Indonesia BersamaJl. Raya Pasar Minggu Km. 18Jakarta Selatan 12510atautommy_...

Lowongan Kerja di PT Smart Telecom Semarang Juli 2010

PT. Smart Telecom, operator telekomunikasi CDMA berskala nasional yang sedang berekspansi, mengundang anda untuk meraih kesempatan berkarir di dunia telekomunikasi dengan penempatan khusus di Wilayah Jawa Tengah (termasuk Jogja) sebagai :Customer Service Representative ( CSR )Dengan kualifikasi minimum :1. Pria / Wanita, usia maks. 25 tahun (pada tahun 2010).2. Pendidikan min. D3 segala jurusan.3. Belum Menikah.4. Tinggi Badan minimal 160 cm (Perempuan), 165 cm (Laki – laki), Berat Badan Proporsional.5. Berpenampilan menarik,...

Lowongan Kerja KOMPAS Terbaru Juli 2010

We are an established online news media, focus on Internet technology, multimedia and e-commerce, currently seeking for a professional to fill the following positions:ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE (Code: AE)Qualifications :* Minimum Bachelor Degree (any discipline)* Must be fluent in English, both oral and written* Wide networking, good skills in presentation, communication and negotiation* Target achievement orientation* Attractive & good-looking* Good personality, creative, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team...

Lowongan Kerja Otomotif Juli 2010 di Indomobil Nissan

INDOMOBIL NISSAN, salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar yang menjalankan bisnisnya sebagai dealer produk Nissan di Indonesia, mengundang Anda putra - putri terbaik terbaik untuk maju dan mengembangkan karir bersama sebagai : 1. Sales Head (SH)- S1 semua jurusan, Pria, pengalaman sebagai Sales Spv. (mobil) min. 2tahun atau sebagai Sales Senior min. 5tahun (mobil), usia maks. 33tahun (SH) 2. Sales Executive (SE) - D3/S1 semua jurusan atau SMU sederajat dengan pengalaman dibidang penjualan, Pria/wanita, memiliki kendaraan,...

Siang Ini, Kabareskrim Tentukan Nasib Luna-Tari

Kepala Bareskrim Mabes Polri Komjen Polisi Ito Sumardi akan membahas mengenai status Luna Maya dan Cut Tari dengan penyidik, siang ini. Apakah keduanya akan dijadikan tersangka?Ito mengaku, pihaknya tidak terburu-buru menetapkan kedua wanita yang diduga terdapat dalam video tersebut, karena tidak mau melanggar HAM.“Ini kan agar tidak melanggar HAM. Rencananya siang ini saya akan bahas dengan penyidiknya,” kata Ito dalam...

Polri Gugat Majalah Tempo

Efek terbitnya Majalah Tempo dengan laporan utama Rekening Gendut Perwira Polri terus berlanjut. Setelah ribuan eksemplar majalah itu raib dari pasaran, kini Mabes Polri tengah menyiapkan gugatan ke Tempo.Demikian diungkapkan Wakadiv Humas Brigjen Pol Zainuri Lubis usai mengikuti acara silaturrahmi dengan purnawirawan Polri di kampus PTIK. “Materi gugatannya sedang kita siapkan,” ujarnya, Rabu (30/6/2010).Gugatan akan...

Polisi Selidiki Kabar Video 'Ariel-BCL' di Manado

Mabes Polri akan menyelidiki kabar beredarnya video porno mirip Ariel dan Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) yang beredar di Manado."Sampai sekarang, tentang informasi lain tentunya aka nada penyelidikan. Hari ini, kalau ada temuan video-video aka nada dilakukan penyelidikan lain. Kita tunggu," kata Wakadiv Humas Mabes Polri Brigjen Polisi Zainuri Lubis kepada wartawan dalam acara silaturahmi dengan purnawirawan Polri di kampus...

Parfi Minta Ariel-Luna-Tari Dinonaktifkan

Nazriel Irham, Luna Maya, dan Cut Tari pantas diberi sanksi berupa penonaktifan dari kegiatan keartisannya.“Jelas Parfi tidak akan mendukung siapapun artis yang dengan sadar melakukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran, meskipun itu untuk konsumsi pribadi. Soalnya dengan kecanggihan teknologi, itu dapat diakses dan menyebar seperti virus,” papar Ketua Parfi Yenny Rachman saat dihubungi okezone, Rabu (30/6/2010).Dia menyayangkan...

Kabareskrim Cek Tato Luna Maya ke Singapura?

Luna Maya dikabarkan telah menghilangkan tato di pinggul kiri bagian atas tubuhnya di Singapura. Kabareskrim Komjen Polisi Ito Sumardi pun sedang berada di sana, apakah pejabat tinggi polisi tersebut mengecek kebenaran kabar tersebut?“Enggakm saya dari Filipina, hanya transit saja,” kata Ito saat menjawab pertanyaan wartawan melalui telepon, Rabu (30/6/2010).Ito mengungkapkan, pengecekan penghilangan tato Luna Maya di...

Lowongan Telkom PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk Juni Juli 2010

Lowongan kerja lulusan S1 PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk Juni Juli 2010 sebagai Head of CRM JakartaPT. Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk., a fast growing telecommunication company, is nationwide cellular operator CDMA-based in Indonesia with full mobility service, now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as: Head of CRM(Jakarta) Requirements:* Male / Female, max 38 years old* Holding a minimum of Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major from a reputable University* Having a minimum of 3 years working experience (managerial...

Lowongan PLTU TJB Power Services Jateng Juni Juli 2010

Lowongan teknik di PLTU TJB Power Services Tanjung Jati Jateng Juni – 3 Juli 2010PT. TJB Power Services is the which has been established for the company business of Operation and Maintenance of Tanjung Jati B 2X660 MW Coal Fired Power Plant in Indonesia. Currently we are seeking outstanding individuals to fill various positions for: A. MAINTENANCE:1. CONTROL & INSTRUMENT LEADER2. CONTROL & INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS3. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER/ SUPERVISORS4. MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER! SUPERVISORSB. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION:1....

ASEAN Scholarships 2010

The application period for 2011 ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is 12 June 2010 (9.00am) to 15 July 2010 (10.00pm) Indonesia Time.Please submit your application via our online application system.Please refer to FAQs if you encounter difficulties during application. The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced (GCE A) Level (or equivalent) certificate. The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from...

Data Entry PT Quicksilver Indonesia

QUIKSILVER ROXY Quicksilver, the global leader in the board riding lifestyle and fashion market is seeking talented and energetic persons to fill the following positions: PRODUCTION MANAGER (PM) Strong Influencing, negotiating & good interpersonal skills in develop good relationships with suppliersPrior experience in the development of products from prototype to finalization in the construction of international brandsAble to coordinate various project elements; coordinating suppliers, sample makers for the punctual...

Senior Processing Geophysicists PT Fairfield Indonesia

PT. Fairfield Indonesia, a leading geophysical company in Indonesia, is seeking suitable candidates to fill the following post: SENIOR PROCESSING GEOPHYSICISTS Requirements Able to be a project leader for 2 or 3 projects simultaneouslyParticipation as a team member in specific phase of a broad geophysical assignmentConduct work requiring independent judgment in the evaluation, selection, adaptation and modification of standard geophysical practices and techniques.Participate in defining geophysical approaches and in planning...

PT. AKR Corporindo Tbk - Head of Treasury

PT. AKR Corporindo Tbk is Indonesia s leading distributor of energy to industrial customers, a well known name in trading and distribution of basic chemicals, building on the extensive logistics network covering major ports in Indonesia. AKR is one of the largest producers in the world of Sorbitol & starch sweeteners. In recent years, AKR has expanded its operation in Indonesia and China and set to realize sustained growth. We are seeking highly qualified, self motivated and performance oriented candidates...

PT. Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java - Quality Engineer Staff, Accounting Staff

PT. Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java, Japan PMA company, manufacturing of motorcycle, located in KIIC Karawang West Java, requires some young, dynamic, matured and strong motivated personnel to fill the following position in the company. ACCOUNTING STAFF (ACC)Requirements: Female, Max. 25 years oldFresh graduate Min.D3 in Economic Accounting/Computer Accounting.Minimum GPA 2.80 (Scale 4.00).Having good skill in analysis and communicationGood skill in computerFluent in English both spoken and writtenPleasant personality...

Combiphar - Internal Auditor, Area Manager, Junior Product Manager, Product Planning Manager, Medical Representative, Administration Staff

Combiphar, an aggressive pharmaceutical & consumer good company, are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual who want to gain personal growth through the following position: INTERNAL AUDITOR (IA)Requirements : Provide confidential administrative / technical assistance with overall effectiveness operationsMinimum Bachelor Degree from reputable universityMaximum age 30 years oldMinimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantageHaving good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry...


We are one of Established five star hotel in Bandung currently looking for a new Team as : 1. Executive Sales (Placement : Jakarta)2. Banquet Sales (Placement : Bandung)3. GM and F&B Secretary (Placement : Bandung) • Min. Diploma 3 (1,2) and Diploma 1 (3) from related background and reputable university• Experienced in similar position min 3 (two) years• Comfortable in communicating with potential client, sound financial, leadership and selling skill (1,2)• Computer skill : spreadsheet & word processor• Fluent spoken...

Informasi Lowongan Human Capital Officer PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia

PT CHAROEN POKPHAND INDONESIA as one of the world-class leaders in agro-food industry with its core business activities including animal feed manufacturing, chicken breeding, aquaculture farming and poultry processing is looking for candidates to join our team in the following positions: HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER Requirements:* Male, max 30 years old* Bachelor degree in Economic, Psychology or any major* To be placed in Jakarta (Ancol)* Computer literate (MS Office, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)* Able to work under pressure,...


We are the biggest consumer goods company in Indonesia, is currently seeking Indonesia’s young professionals with high motivation and strong determination for the following positions:GA ManagerTask & ResponsibilityRepresenting GA head on day to day operationReviewing all expenses on fixed asset purchasePlanning for maintaining the fixed asset as well as office building & working together with building management if necessarySupervise all GA staff’sCoordinating the usage of company carCoordinating with the building...

PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia - Receptionist

PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia was established in Indonesia on 18 Februari 1994 as a joint venture company between Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. - Japan, with one company in Indonesia, PT. Sumber Selatan Nusa. The company business field is two wheel vehicle manufacturer and components with KAWASAKI brand. The commercials production was begun in March 1995. The company form sales network in all over Indonesia with service facility and spare parts supplies. RECEPTIONISTQualifications: Female, age max 25 years oldGraduated...


PT Bank UOB Indonesia is the first Singapore-Indonesia joint venture bank incorporated in Indonesia. It commenced operations on 16 March 1990 with a capital of IDR 50 billion. As at December 2008, the Bank’s total assets has grown to IDR 12 trillion.UOB Indonesia is 99% owned by United Overseas Bank Group (UOB), one of the largest banking groups in Singapore. The Group has 524 offices in 18 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Western Europe and North America.UOB Indonesia has five branches in Bali, Bandung, Batam,...


Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran Peluang kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru): We are the biggest consumer goods company in Indonesia, is currently seeking Indonesia’s young professionals with high motivation and strong determination for the following positions:GA ManagerTask & ResponsibilityRepresenting GA head on day to day operationReviewing all expenses on fixed asset purchasePlanning for maintaining the fixed asset as well as office building & working together with building management...

Arrow Energy (Indonesia) Holdings Pte Ltd - Land Access Coordinator

Arrow Energy (Indonesia) Holdings Pte Ltd -Arrow Energy is a leading Australian integrated energy company focused on the development of coal seam gas throughout eastern Australia and Asia. Our worldwide interests span coal seam gas developments, pipeline assets, electricity generation and an investment in a proposed liquefied-natural gas (LNG) development. Arrow Energy is one of Australia top 100 publicly-listed companies and has a current market capitalization of more than AUS$3 billion. As Australia’s...

PT Penguin Indonesia - Legal Secretary

PT Penguin Indonesia - Penguin is a nationally recognized manufacturer of Polyethylene and Stainless Steel Storage tank. We are currently seeking the right candidate with a positive attitude and high motivation to fill in the following position: LEGAL SECRETARYMain Duties: General Secretarial Duties for the managing director, such as answering phones, diary management, reception, filling and associated administrative dutiesProcessing, Archiving and Organizing legal/formal documentsEnsure company legal compliance is satisfiedOther...

PT Boveri Indonesia - Sales Administration, Sales Engineer

PT Boveri Indonesia is the leading of LV & MV Products technical supplier to all Industrial segment and has earned a very good reputation within the country. To support our business growth, we invite highly motivated, dynamic, and open-minded individuals to join our dynamic team to establish our company as market leader position as: SALES ADMINISTRATION (SA)Responsibilities :Support Sales in handling all administration duty such as Inquiry, Quotation and prepare delivery order. Gain and follow-up customers’ requirements,...

Georg Fischer Indonesia - Sales Engineer

Georg Fischer Indonesia - We are a worldwide leading supplier and manufacturer of Plastic Piping Systems with global market presence. One–stop shopping with over 50,000 products for diverse applications and specialized markets: from Pipes & Fittings, Manual & Automated Valves, Measurement & Instrumentation and Jointing Techniques & Equipments. Our own sales companies in 20 countries and representatives in another 80 countries. We seeking high caliber professional to join our dynamic team and contribute...

Senior Processing Geophysicists PT Fairfield Indonesia

PT. Fairfield Indonesia, a leading geophysical company in Indonesia, is seeking suitable candidates to fill the following post: SENIOR PROCESSING GEOPHYSICISTS Requirements Able to be a project leader for 2 or 3 projects simultaneouslyParticipation as a team member in specific phase of a broad geophysical assignmentConduct work requiring independent judgment in the evaluation, selection, adaptation and modification of standard geophysical practices and techniques.Participate in defining geophysical approaches and in planning...


PT. SUPRACO INDONESIA A Jakarta Based company more than 31 years of experience in providing services to Geothermal, Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia. We are seeking for best candidates to fill the vacant position of: Upstream: Drilling ManagerRecources ManagerExploration & Production ManagerField TestingProduction EngineeringGeology / Geo Science ManagerGeo-PhysicsGeo-ChemistRes. ModellingSHE & S Coordinator Downstream: Operation ManagerDeputy Station ManagerMaintenance ManagerRotating Plant Steamfield ServicesElectrical...


DGS HR SERVICES, salah satu konsultan SDM terdepan di Indonesia, saat ini salah satu klien kami yaitu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Perbankan tengah membutuhkan tenaga kerja berpotensi, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dan semangat kerja yang besar untuk ditempatkan sebagai: CUSTOMER SERVICE & TELLER (AREA TANGERANG – BSD & SERPONG, KELAPA GADING & BEKASI) Kualifikasi: Wanita dengan usia maksimal 27 tahun. BELUM MENIKAH / SINGLE Minimal D3 dari segala jurusan dengan IPK min 2,75 Fresh graduates dipersilahkan...


Group Tempo yang berdiri sejak tahun 1953 adalah sebuah kelompok usaha yang bergerak di bidang produksi, pemasaran, dan pemegang Lisensi dari produk-produk Farmasi, Nutrasetikal, Perawatan Kesehatan, Kosmetika, dan minuman ringan dengan merek-merek yang terkenal antara lain seperti: hemaviton, bodrexin, bodrex, NEO Rheumacyl, Oskadon, vidoran, REVLON, ESTEE LAUDER, CLINIQUE, Marina, MY BABY, claudia, Total Care, SOS, PRITHO, Exclusive Barclay, Fraser & Neave (F&N), dan lain-lainnya. Saat ini salah satu anak perusahaan...

PT. Jasa Teknologi Informasi-IBM - Finance Staff, Junior IT Consultant

PT. Jasa Teknologi Informasi-IBM is an IBM subsidiary which handles an IBM computer, ATM and other peripherals in Indonesia. We are seeking for highly motivated candidates to join the challenging opportunity as: Finance Staff (Code: FS)Requirements: Degree in Business Studies / Administration / Management / Accounting / Secretary with GPA min 3.00.Minimum experience 2 years.Understand Finance - General/Cost Accounting, Tax Reporting (PPh & PPn).Detailed, accurate, and on time in work output and has initiative.Effective...

Lowongan Kerja Atlas Resources

PT Atlas Resources, one of growing fast coal company in Indonesia, there are currently operate and explore locations in the key commercial coal area East Kalimantan, South Sumatra and Papua. For new project at East Kalimantan & South Sumatra, we need highly qualified, dynamic, energetic, strong leadership and experienced professionals. Come and join our team for the following positions: DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONProject Manager (KTT) Bachelor degree in Mining/Geology engineering.Hold POU Certification.Min. 7 year...

Informasi Lowongan PT BNI Life Insurance Juni 2010

PT BNI LIFE INSURANCE (Anak Perusahaan PT. Bank Negara Indonesia), Perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat dan bergerak dalam bidang Asuransi Jiwa membutuhkan profesional yang dinamis, trampil dan memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk ditempatkan pada posisi : BANCASSURANCE SPECIALIST (BAS) PERSYARATAN :* Usia min 24 – 35 tahun* Pendidikan minimal S-1* IPK minimal 2,80 dari PTN/PTS Terkenal* Minat dalam Perasuransian* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik* Berorientasi pada target* Berpenampilan menarik* Penempatan...

Informasi Lowongan Kepala Kebun PKS PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera

PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera, forging ahead energetic and dynamic, challenge you to step front, achievement and grow up with us. Kepala Kebun(Kalimantan Barat - JAMBI) Requirements:* Laki-Laki Usia Min 35 tahun* Pendidikan Min S1 Agronomi* Memiliki Pengalaman sedikitnya 5 Tahun sebagai Asisten Kepala Kebun* Kemampuan Softskills : Manajemen Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit, Visionary Leadhership dan Executive Team Works* Diutamakan bisa berbahasa Inggris Aktif* Bersedia di tempatkan di lokasi kebun di dalam wilayah provinsi Jambi dan Kalimantan...

Lowongan di KFC (PT Fastfood Indonesia) Terbaru Juni 2010

KFC Indonesia merupakan Restaurant Fastfood terbesar di Indonesia memberikan kesempatan kepada tenaga kerja muda yang berpotensi dan memiliki kemampuan lebih untuk bergabung dengan kami, mengisi posisi :Assistant Restaurant manager (ARM-KFC)* Pendidikan diutamakan D3 Pariwisata / S1 semua jurusan* Pria/Wanita/Wanita, usia max. 27 thnCrew Restaurant (C R - KFC)* Pendidikan SLTA, lampirkan fotocopy rapor kelas 3 SLTA lengkap* Pria&Wanita, usia max. 27 thnHome Delivery / Rider (H D - KFC)* Pria, usia 18-22 thn* Pendidikan SLTA,...

Lowongan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PT Evans Indonesia

Sebuah Perusahaan perkebunan PMA, yang sedang berkembang dalam skala besar di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan KEpulauan Bangka Belitung dan telah memiliki kebun Kalapa Sawit dan Pabrik di Sumatera Utara, membutuhkan tenaga kerja berdedikasi tinggi dengan memiliki motivasi berprestasi untuk posisi :Assistant Proses Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (kode : APKS)Posisi di Pabrik Sumatera Utara & Kalimantan TimurPersyaratan :1. Laki-laki, 27 - 35 thn2. IPK min. 2.85 skala 4.003. Pendidikan S1 Teknik Mesin atau Teknik Listrik - Arus kuat dari...

Lowongan Kerja Technical Regulatory PT PZ Cussons Indonesia Juni 2010

PZ Cussons Plc is a FTSE 250 listed Consumer Products Group based in the UK, with operations in Africa, Asia and Europe. PZ Cussons Indonesia is a well-known multinational company with a long history of producing Personal Care & Baby Care Product range.We recruit, develop and retain a great team of people who are aligned with our values and who can drive our plans for growth. Our aim is to create a high performance culture offering career experiences and development. We work together as a true meritocracy where leadership...

Pengumuman BUMN Peserta Seleksi MT Krakatau Steel

Pengumuman Peserta Wawancara Direksi Seleksi MT PT. Krakatau Steel Juni Tahun 2010Pengumuman Peserta Wawancara Direksi PT. Krakatau Steel Tahun 2010Pelaksanaan Wawancara Direksi PT. Krakatau SteelTanggal 28/29 Juni 2010SELENGKAP...

Lowongan BUMN Adhi Karya Juni Juli 2010

LOWONGAN KERJA BUMN JUNI JULI 2010 di PT.ADHI KARYA (PERSERO), TBKIndonesia’s leading construction companies that are developing business in EPC and Investment, providing opportunities to these young, energetic, dynamic and strong-willed to get ahead in your career, join together.AccountingTerms:EDUCATION: Accounting majors Sarjana/S1GPA: A minimum 3.00 (scale of 4)Gender: MaleAGE: Maximum 26 yearsSKILLS:Able to operate computer (MS Application)Able to speak English activelyOTHER:Willing to be placed in all operational areas...

PT Astra Honda Motor lowongan kerja juli 2010

Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran Peluang kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru): PT Astra Honda Motor was the manufacturing & distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with the number of employees more than 10,000 people. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT. Astra Honda Motor is always working to provide the best mobility solution that could meet customer needs with world-class management system.For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive...

Lowongan kerja Staff Pengajar Komputer

LPIA Pondok Gede adalah salah satu lembaga kursus yang memberikan pengajaran dalam bidang Bahasa Inggris dan Komputer. Saat ini kami membutuhkan Staff Pengajar Komputer dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut: Persyaratan:1. Pendidikan minimal D3 sesuai dengan bidangnya2. Minimal menguasai Program Ms. Office dan 1 program lainnya seperti :* Desain Grafis* Programming* AutoCAD* Komputer Akuntasi* Web Desain3. Berpenampilan menarik4. Menyukai anak-anak5. Pengalaman lebih diutamakan Kompensasi:1. Gaji Pokok2. Honor Mengajar3. Komisi4....
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