The Singapore Scholarship 2011/2012


The Singapore Scholarship was announced by then Prime Minister of Singapore Mr Goh Chok Tong at the 6th ASEAN Summit in December 1998. The objective of the Singapore Scholarship at that time was to help alleviate the problem of educating young people in the ASEAN, countries due to the regional economic crisis.

The Singapore Government awards the scholarship to Government-endorsed students from the other member countries of file Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Each Scholarship is for a full-time undergraduate degree course at the Nanyang Technological University, the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Management University. All disciplines except for Medicine, Dentistry. Architecture and Law are open to Scholars. The duration of each Scholarship is for three or four years, depending on the discipline.

The award is based oil academic merit and places will be allocated by open competition. I if necessary, a or bridging or foundation programme, in addition to the undergraduate necessary, one-year studies, will be provided.

To be eligible, a candidate must:

1. Bea citizen in an ASEAN country (Except Singapore)
2. Possess excellent academic records
3. Have if good command of English, and
4. At least complete Final Year of Senior High School with excellent academic records (incomplete result transcripts will be rejected).

Candidates must meet file entry requirements for Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University. A recipient of the Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other Scholarship, Fellowship, Grant or Award without prior approval of the Singapore Government. The Scholars are also expected to return to their countries upon graduation to contribute to the development of their countries.

The Scholarship will cover tuition fees for the duration of the award, a living allowance of SS4.300 per annum, an accommodation allowance based on the different room rates at each university and one return economy class air ticket passage from his/her home university country to Singapore for the duration of studies.

Short-listed nominees will take the entrance examinations set by the Singapore universities. Nominees are further short-listed based on their entrance examination results and will then have to undergo am interview conducted by interviewer from the Singapore universities. The entrance examinations and interviews will be conducted from February to April 2011 in Jakarta.

Applications must be endorsed by the Indonesian Department of National Education (Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation) at Building C, 6th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan Jakarta Pusat (Note – Candidates are advised to seek certificates- endorsement from their former school before making their application to the Indonesian Department of National Education)

Late or incomplete applications will not he considered. The deadline for completed application firms to be submitted to the Singapore Embassy in Jakarta by 20 December 2010. The decision of the Singapore Government on the selection of Singapore Scholars is final.

For more information on the Singapore Scholarship, please contact the Singapore Embassy in Jakarta (Tel. No. 299 50 401 or 299 50 425). You may wish to check our website or write to:

The Singapore Scholarship
Technical Cooperation Directorate
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tanglin, Singapore 248163
Tel No: (65) 6379 8000
Fax No: (65) 6479 3357

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