Web Programmers (WP)
- Male/Female, max 30 years old
- With min 2 years experience, Diploma / Bachelor Degree
- Expert in MySQL database
- Expert in CGI-PERL Web Application
- Experience in Visual Basic - Reports
- Content management system experience, Knowledge of Financial System
- Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- Ability to manage multiple project simultaneously while maintaining programming methodologies and coding standards
- Ability to work independently and proactively. Ability to problem solve and brainstorm in a team oriented environment to solve business needs
- Ability to evaluate various software options and presents the best business needs
- Experience working with short-term deadlines with little supervision
- Can work under pressure and is a team player. Willing to learn and experiement with new technology
Please indicate the position name at the upper left of the envelope and sent the application letter, CV and recent photos (4×6) not later than 3 November 2010 to:
HRD Manager
Panasonic ITCOMM
Sastra Graha Building 3rd Floor
Jl Raya Pejuangan No 21 Jakarta 11530