Info Lowongan Teknisi Listrik, Fisika Instrumentasi PT YTL Jawa Timur Januari 2010

PT YTL Jawa Timur - YTLPI has a 35% stake in PT Jawa Power which owns a 1,220MW coal-fired power plant located at the Paiton Power Generation Complex in East Java, Indonesia. Jawa Power is the second largest IPP in Indonesia and has a 30-year PPA with PT PLN (Persero), the state-owned electric utility company. PT YTL Jawa Timur Paiton II Power Station - Under Indonesia’s private power programme, PT. YTL Jawa Timur operates and maintains this 2 x 610 MW Coal-fired Power Station. The station is located at Paiton, Probolinggo District of East Java, 141 km Southeast of Surabaya. We are currently have vacancy for:


You will be responsible to perform electrical maintenance at Main Power Plant equipments.

Candidate for this position should possess:
Maximum 35 years old;

- Minimum Diploma 3 years (D3) in Electrical Engineering from a reputable University or Polytechnic;
- Having 3 years relevant experiences in heavy industries or power plant;
- Good skill in electrical machines (Generators, Motors, Switchgear, Transformers, DC Supply, etc) and its associated interlocking and protection system for all voltage levels (low, high and extra high voltage);
- Preferably having sound knowledge in PLCs, Electromechanical Systems, Corrosion Control System & Light mechanical repair;
- Capable and willingness to work under pressure, extended working hours and call in scheme;
- Accurate, reliable and enthusiasm and having good written and spoken English.


You will be responsible to perform maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of Material Handling Automation, Controls, Instrumentation and Low Voltage equipments at Auxiliary Plant Areas.

Candidate for this position should possess:

- Maximum 35 years old;
- Minimum Diploma 3 years (D3) in Physics Engineering or Electronic from a reputable University or Polytechnic;
- Having 3 years relevant experiences at heavy industries or power plants;
- Good skill in electronic, automation, control and instrument systems;
- Having good knowledge in in PLCs, Power Electronic equipments (Variable Speed Drives, Inverters, Converters), Low Voltage Electrical Equipment including power transformers, Motors, Switchgears, MCCs, Electrical Control and Interlocks, protection systems;
- Capable and willingness to work under pressure, extended working hours and Call In scheme;
- Accurate, reliable, enthusiasm and having good written and spoken English.

Remuneration and benefits will be comparable with the best in this industrial sector.

Please submit a fully detailed CV in English, latest on 21 January 2010 to:

Tromol Pos No. 36
Paiton - Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67291
Your CV will be kept in strict confidence
Please include a contact telephone number and recent photograph.

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