invite you to joint as Management Trainee (MT) for Business Development
PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) bring together diverse and talented workforce to wake on the world’s toughest business development in the fields: logistics, mail & parcel, financial services, e-commerce, property, business card, billing, postshop and many other business.
Qualified candidates
- Self motivated, innovative and high level of commitment
- Good analytical thinking, organizational & interpersonal skill
- University Graduates (S1), GPA preferably min 3.00
- Fields : Accounting, Financial, Law, Marketing. Business Management, information Management, IT, Industrial Engineering, Architecture, Graphic Design
- Ability to read, write and speak English (TOEFL : 500)
- Single, max around 28 years old per 1 October 2013
How to apply
Send your resume and relevant references at latest 26 October 2013 to :
AIDA Consultant – Menara Hijau Lt 7
Jl. MT Haryono Kav 33 Jakarta 12770.
Selection process will be held in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya