LOWONGAN KERJA BANK Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered is focused on being the world’s best international bank, by being the right partner to our customers and attracting and developing the best people to work together across our global network. At Standard Chartered Bank, we employ 73,000 people in 70 markets worldwide. We offer a world of experience through short-term and long-term cross-border assignments, a multicultural environment and job rotation opportunities across businesses and the functions. Make a real difference at the bank with over 150 years experience in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Apply yourself to be part of our:

Group Technology & Operations - Management Trainee (GTO -MT)

- Bachelor degree (S1) from engineering, computer science, economic & mathematics
- Min GPA 3.10
- Fluent in English
- Have a strong passion to build career in Banking Operations & Technology

Recruitment Event on:

- Date : Saturday, 19 November 2011
- Time : 9.00 - end; programme presentation, written test & FGD
- Venue: Auditorium Pusat Studi Jepang, FIB UI Depok

Don't forget: Latest Transcript with minimum GPA 3.10, KTP, Pen/Pencil & Personal CV

Khusus Member CDC FTUI Kirim Email ke: cdcftuiloker@eng.ui.ac.id

Dengan mencantumkan CV

(CV yang berisi informasi IPK, Tahun masuk & Tahun lulus, Asal Jurusan & Universitas)

Cara Mengetik Subjek Email:
Username_Nama Anda_Nama Perusahaan_Kode Posisi yang dilamar

(Contoh : amir86_Amirzamudin_Standard Chartered Bank_GTO-MT)

Sebelum 16 November 2011

*Only Shortlisted candidates will be notified (src : cdc.eng.ui.ac.id)

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