Lowongan Honda Astra Oktober 2011

Lowongan kerja Honda Astra Oktober 2011 posisi Sales Office Head Development Program
Jakarta Raya, lulusan s1 semua jurusan

PT. Astra International, Tbk – Honda Sales Operation or ASTRA MOTOR, one of PT. Astra International Sales Operation which involved in Honda two wheels vehicle distribution and retail, is seeking for potential candidates who have willingness to learn, strive for excellence, high achiever, and dynamic to fulfill the following position:

“We develop individuals to become Sales Office Head”

Sales Office Head Development Program is a program that prepares new employees to become Sales Office Head in the Astra Motor, a way to give recognition and understanding of the business, management and values held by Astra, especially Astra Motor. As well as providing new equipment for new employees about the materials associated with respective jobs as new employees in accordance with the field work that will occupy.

Sales Office Head
Development Program
Jakarta Raya,

* Male/Female
* Maximum age 27 years old
* Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) from any majors
* GPA min 3.0
* Strong academic background from any disciplines
* Have organizational experiences
* Have a good communication skill
* Have interest in Business Management
* Willing to be placed all around Indonesia

For further information please visit


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