Finance – Project Control
Required Qualifications and Skills:

Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting or Finance from reputable university
Having experience at least 5 years experience in Finance/ Accounting area.
Having experience in project cost management is preferable
Having capability in giving advice about financial issues in project with non financial team across the bank
Sound financial analysis skill and strong drive to implement project policy
Able to work well under tight deadline
Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
PC literate, high integrity, risk focus and attention to detail
Proficient in written and spoken English

Finance Business Partner – Product and Others
Required Qualifications and Skills:

Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting or Finance from reputable university
Having more than 5 years experience in major business of a bank e.g. retail banking, corporate/ commercial/ SME as Business Planner or Financial Analyst
Having capability to discuss and influence business heads based on the analysis prepared.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
PC literate, high integrity, risk focus and attention to detail
Proficient in written and spoken English


Is looking for young, dynamic, self-motivated and dedicated persons to fill the following positions for its expanding banking operation
The IT Security Assurance and Reporting Manager

The IT Security Assurance and Reporting Manager is responsible for assessing and countering threats and vulnerabilities in internal PTBC information resources. In this role, you will work within the framework of established operating procedures to implement security measures for the business information assets. You will also ensure that plans for security technologies integrate effectively with other aspects of the technical infrastructure. . Based on above roles, IT Security Assurance and Reporting are responsible to provide advice and guidance on building cost effective and secure applications, provide advice for security improvement of Bank System and Applications, ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of Bank’s Information by implementation of security measurement

Detail Job Responsibilities.
To provide advice and guidance on building cost effective and secure applications.
To provide advice for security improvement of Bank System and Applications.
To maintain required level of security awareness of all people involve in Bank’s process.
Develop, maintain and communicate the IT&T policy framework, including policies based on industry trends and emerging scenarios
Develop, implement and communicate an IT&T controls framework
Maintain Role Access Profile that is used for Access Provisioning, ensure all identity and Access is provision according to Role Access Profile and reviewed by regular basis.
To ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of Bank’s Information by implementation of security measurement
Act as an active project member to ensure all system and application built has strong security.
Keep update with the latest development on security solutions and latest security threat and trend.
Proactively give recommendation for improving Bank’s security.
Maintain Role Access Profile that is used for Access Provisioning.
Ensure all identity and Access is provision according to Role Access Profile.
Ensure Access Profile is reviewed by regular basis.
Create and execute Security Awareness Plan.
Refresh security policy and standards as needed.
Managing and administering user’s side security control including Antivirus and Email Security.
Do regular security review or assessment to maintain Bank’s Security Standard
Being aware of identity and manage risks related to related positions and control awareness in day to day activity
Working and acting in accordance with bank’s policies and procedures, standards and regulatory requirements
Ensure all operational risks are highlighted, collated and resolution sought in a timely manner

Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph to:


Please put Code: FPC on your subject email

Closing date for applications: 11 August 2011

All applicants will be treated in strict confidence.

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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