Lowongan Nursing Staff dan Human Resources Officer di RS Pondok Indah Group Januari 2011

Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah Group is looking for qualified and suitable professionals to fill in the following positions:

Nursing Staff

- Male/Female
- Graduated from Medical College (D3/S1 Nursing or Akbid) with minimum GPA score 2,75 out of 4
- Experience in Inpatient (ward) and out patient, ICU/ICCU, Emergency, Surgery Room will be an advantage
- Computer literate
Human Resources Officer
- Male/Female max 40 years old
- Minimum S1 degree majoring Resources Management/Economy/Psychology/Social Sciences
- Working experience min 3 years as Training & Development
- Knowledgeable Organizational Development & Training Development/HR Development
- Has strong leadership & interpersonal skills
- Fluent in both oral & written English is a must
- Computer literate

We regret that only short list candidates will be notified. Please send your Application and CV 2 (two) weeks after this advertisement to:

HR Department
Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah Group
Jl. Metro Duta Kav.UE Pondok Indah - Jakarta Selatan
or recruitment@rspondokindah.co.id

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