Lowongan Kerja Receptionist Di IPB 2010

In accordance with Regulation No. 154/2000, IPB’s organization consists of Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, Board of Auditors, Rector, Vice Rectors, Deans, Vice Deans, Heads of Institution, Institution Secretary, Directors and Head of the Sub-directorates. In addition, IPB also has a library director and heads of other supporting elements, namely laboratories, workshops, studios, information centers, experiment gardens and security units and other necessary forms. IPB also has commercial business units whose leaders are appointed and dismissed by as well as responsible to Rector.
In accordance with Decree No. 55/MWA-IPB/2007, IPB also has Board of Professors, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Offices, and the Diploma Programs. Based on the considerations according to the existing law, the result of organizational studies, benchmarking, and discussions with the faculty and department leaders of IPB, the organizational structure of IPB was established through the decision of MWA Number 77/MWA-IPB/2008 on February 1, 2008.

In the organization, administrative activities are centralized to the central office, while academic activities (education, research and community service) are decentralized to the Departments and Research Centers. The Departments and Centers become the spearhead in the Tridharma (three main responsibilities) of IPB. Business activities are professionally managed in a common mechanism in limited companies. However, the department and centers are encouraged to generate income through the auxiliary enterprise activities in accordance with their competence and expertise.

In their operational activities, Rector and Vice Rector are assisted by administrative units in the form of Offices and Directorates as follows:
1. Directorates under the coordination of Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs

* Directorate of Educational Administration
* Directorates of Academic Assessment and Development
* Directorate of Student Affairs
* Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Relations

2. Directorate under the coordination of Vice Rector for Human Resource and Development

* Directorate of Finance
* Directorate of Human Resource
* Directorate of Facilities and Property
* Directorate of Planning and Development

3. Directorate under the coordination of Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation

* Directorate of Research and Strategic Studies
* Directorate of International Program and Cooperation

4. Directorate under the coordination of Vice Rector for Business and Communication

* Directorate of Business and Partnership
* Directorate of Communication and Information System

5. Office under the coordination of Rector

* Executive Secretariat
* Office of Internal Audit
* Office of Law and Organization
* Office of Quality Management

To meet the needs in the transitional period of BHMN (State-Owned Legal Body), IPB has improved its organization changing directorates and offices into 12 directorates and 4 offices as follows:

1. Directorate of Educational Administration
2. Directorate of Academic Studies and Development
3. Directorate of Student Affairs
4. Directorate of Career Development and Alumni
5. Directorate of Finance
6. Directorate of Human Resources
7. Directorate of Facilities and Property
8. Directorate of planning and development
9. Directorate of Research and Strategic Studies
10. Directorate of Cooperation and International Program
11. Directorate of Business and Partnership
12. Directorate of Communication and Information System
13. Executive Secretariat
14. Office of Internal Audit
15. Office of Law and Organization
16. Office of Quality Management

To facilitate the task of Rector and Vice Rector, an Executive Secretary is appointed in charge of coordinating Public Relations (PR), Public Administration, and Protocol. The Graduate School is led by a Dean. Deans in IPB are assisted by Vice Deans. A Library is managed by a Head of library. LPPM (Institution for Research and Community Services) is led a Head, Vice and a Secretary. Two Vice Heads of LPPM are responsible for Research Division and Community Service Division.

Now IPB is opening position for receptionist with qualification below:



* Female
* Age max. 30 years
* Education min. D3 (Secretary, Communications, Public Relations)
* Mastering English Language (mainly verbal)
* Mastering computer
* Height min. 160 cm
* Experience in receptionist min. 1 year
* Communicative

Send complete application accompanied by:

1. Application
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Photocopies of diplomas and transcripts Value, Certificate (if any)
4. Color photograph 4 × 6 2 sheets
5. Copy of ID card
6. Copy of letter from the Police Good Behaviour

Send to address before 20 September 2010 to:

Direktorat Sumberdaya Manusia IPB
Gd. Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lt.4
Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor
Telp. (0251) 8622712, 8622642 ext 405
CP : Ibu Herny

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