Surabaya, Pertama Blokir Facebook

Dianggap mengganggu kinerja PNS di wilayah Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, akses untuk membuka jejaring sosial internet Facebook diblokir di seluruh kantor instansi pemerintahan kota Surabaya. Kepala Dinas Informasi dan Komunikasi Pemkot Surabaya Khalid Buchori menjelaskan pihaknya telah memblokir akses jejaring sosial internet Facebook dan Friendster di seluruh kantor instansi pemerintah.“Kami memang memblokir akses layanan...

Plastik Oxium Terurai dalam Dua Tahun

Banyak orang beranggapan plastik adalah bahan non-organik yang berasal dari petroleum. Padahal, petroleum itu sendiri berasal dari plankton-plaknton yang kemudian menjadi minyak bumi dan akhirnya dijadikan bahan dasar plastik."Banyak orang menyalahkan plastik karena non-organik. Itu salah. Justru plastik itu organik. Hanya memang sulit terurai dia bisa diurai 500-1000 tahun lamanya. Ini yang jadi masalah kenapa...


Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY) adalah perguruan tinggi yang telah memperoleh Sertifikat ISO 9001:2008 dan merupakan salah satu dari 50 Perguruan Tinggi yang menjanjikan di Indonesia, serta perguruan tinggi yang ditetapkan oleh Ditjen Dikti sebagai Best Practises dalam Implementasi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu PT, membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang mempunyai kualifikasi sebagai dosen tetap dan staf tetap laboratorium untuk bergabung bersama UAJY melaksanakan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi: DOSEN TETAP KUALIFIKASI UMUM...


Berikut adalah lowongan Kerja dari Perusahaan BUMN PT Wika Realty...

Info Lowongan Dokter di PT Famon Awal Bros Medika September 2010

PT Famon Awal Bros Medika, mengajak anda bergabung bersama kami sebagai:Koordinator Medical Evakuasi Pasien (Kode : KMEP)(Jakarta Raya)Requirements:* Dokter Umum / Spesialis* PTT, STR, ACLS, ATLS, Hiperkes* Pengalaman lapangan min 2 tahun* Pengalaman management min 6 bulan* Menguasai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan medivac ( medis dan administratif ).* Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam teamSurat Lamaran, CV, Foto terbaru dan Fotocopy persyaratan dikirim ke :24 MedicarePT. Famon Awal Bros MedikaRuko Cempaka Mas Blok L-54Jl. Letjan...

Info Lowongan Accounting di PT BOC Gases Indonesia September 2010

PT BOC Gases Indonesia is a member of the Linde Group which is Headquarter located in Munich, Germany. The leading globalindustrial gases and engineering is looking for qualified personnel as:Finance AnalystResponsibilities:* Directs all monthly closing activities relating to Planning and Controlling such as accurate timely review of revenue andcosts* Ensures optimization of SAP/BW in the creation of management reports and templates for the country* Ensure all monthly managerial reports are prepared in a timely and accurate...

Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat September 2010

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established in 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H or November 1, 1991, endorsed by the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia, and commenced operations in 27 Syawwal 1412 H or May 1, 1992. Presently, Bank Mumalat provides services to excess of 2.5 million customers through 275 outlets spread across 33 provinces in Indonesia. The network is also supported by alliance, through more than 4000 Online Post Office/SOPP, 32,000 ATMs, as well 95,000 debit merchant across the...

PT AXA Services Indonesia - Internal Audit, Sales Trainer

PT AXA Services Indonesia - The AXA Group is one of the largest insurance groups in the world. Established in France in 1816, AXA now operates in more than 60 countries throughout Europe, North America, the Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Supported by over 112,000 dedicated staff and financial advisors. AXA leads the industry in terms of professionalism, trustworthiness, innovation and reputation. AXA has multi distribution model in Indonesia. Combined PT. AXA Mandiri Financial Services, PT. AXA Financial Indonesia,...

PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya - Supervisor Electrical, Supervisor Mechanical, Mechanical Engineer

PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya is developing the Toka Tindung Gold Project in North Sulawesi. Applicants are invited for the following position: SUPERVISOR ELECTRICAL - FIXED PLANT MAINTENANCE (SE)DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES:Ensure that the electrical section achieves a high compliance to the Daily, Weekly and to the shutdown. Monitor that work orders are completed to a good standard and are returned to the planning dept in a timely manner. Ensure that all tools and equipment used in the electrical section are maintain...

Mahasiswa dengan Omzet Rp 80 Juta Per Bulan

YOGYAKARTA,Mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada berhasil meraih penghargaan Shell LiveWIRE di ajang Business Start-Up Awards 2010. Melalui bisnis es krim, para mahasiswa ini mampu meraup omzet hingga Rp 80 juta per bulan.Dari omzet tersebut, Mirza Akbar Andromeda dan Arum Dewi Suci bisa mendapat keuntungan bersih Rp 15 juta per bulan. Dengan menggunakan merek dagang Yogya Ice Cream, Mirza dan Arum telah...

4 Rahasia Menjadi Orang Kaya

Keterampilan mengelola uang akan menentukan apakah seseorang sukses secara finansial dan menjadi kaya karenanya atau tidak. Meski begitu, keterampilan ini sangat bisa dipelajari dan membutuhkan konsistensi.Valentino Dinsi, SE, MM, MBA, pendiri MuslimCOACH menyebutkan, hanya satu persen orang di dunia yang mengontrol 50 persen uang yang beredar, dan lima persen orang di dunia yang menguasai 90 persen uang beredar....

9 Fakta tentang Pemakaian Shampo

Ketika Anda sedang keramas, apakah yang Anda pikirkan? Membuat busa sabun, membilas, dan mengulanginya lagi? Atau hal lain? Misalnya, ternyata tidak ada gunanya mengulang pencucian rambut. Bila ada petunjuk pada label kemasan yang meminta Anda mengulangi keramas, itu hanya trik si pembuat shampo untuk membuat konsumen menghabiskan shampo lebih cepat.Itu belum semuanya. Ada banyak hal mengenai penggunaan shampo...

Tanaman Jamur Ini Membunuh 18 Orang

MILAN, Sedikitnya 18 pencinta jamur telah menemui ajal dalam kecelakaan sewaktu mereka berburu jamur favorit mereka di pegunungan dan hutan di Italia utara.Petugas pertolongan pegunungan mengatakan, orang yang suka mencari jamur mengabaikan prosedur keselamatan saat mereka mengenakan pakaian penyamaran dan berburu dalam gelap untuk melindungi harta karun yang didambakan itu, demikian dilaporan surat kabar La Repubblica."Ada...

Pembelian Radar Soetta Dipercepat

Pengadaan radar untuk memperkuat sistem navigasi lalu lintas udara wilayah barat Indonesia dipercepat, dari rencana awal tahun 2013 menjadi tahun 2011. Untuk keperluan itu, dibutuhkan Rp 1 triliun, Rp 800 miliar di antaranya disiapkan oleh PT Angkasa Pura II.Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa, Selasa (31/8/2010) di Jakarta, menjelaskan, radar untuk memperkuat sistem navigasi atau Jakarta Automation Air Traffic...

Lowongan Kerja CPNS di Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) September 2010

Sesuai dengan hasil penetapan formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) untuk LIPI oleh Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN), maka pada Tahun Anggaran 2010 ini LIPI kembali akan melaksanakan Pengadaan CPNS TA 2010.Sembari menunggu penetapan final dariKementerian PAN, saat ini LIPI telah mulai melakukan persiapan sebagaimana dilakukan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Bagi para calon pelamar dipersilahkan untuk mengikuti informasi terbaru melalui situs ini. Juga sangat disarankan untuk membaca dengan teliti dan mempersiapkan diri sesuai...

Lowongan Legal Staff di PT Bank Sinarmas KC Tasikmalaya Terbaru Agustus-September 2010

Mari bergabung bersama kami, untuk menempati posisi sebagai:Staff Legal(Jawa Barat - Tasikmalaya)Requirements:* Pria/Wanita* Pendidikan S1 Hukum ( lebih diutamakan Hukum Perdata )* Umur Maksimal 28 Tahun* Menguasai Hukum Perbankan* Memiliki Inisiatif yang tinggi dan teliti* Mengetahui dasar - dasar perizininan suatu badan hukum* Mampu bekerja secara individual maupun berkelompok* Bersedia bekerja dibawa tekanan* Memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat draft perjanjian* Mampu menganalisa dengan baik* Memiliki tanggung jawab yang penuh...

Lowongan Dosen Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Sanata Dharma membutuhkan 2 Orang Dosen dengan persyaratan:1. Pendidikan S1 Bimbingan dan Konseling, dan S2 Bimbingan dan Konseling (lebih diutamakan)2. Pendidikan S1 Bimbingan dan Konseling, dan S2 Psikologi (Pendidikan, Perkembangan)3. Bersedia Melanjutkan Studi S34. Indeks Prestasi 3,0 baik S1 maupun S25. Berkepribadian baik dan bisa bekerjasama6. Umur maksimal 35 tahunSurat Lamaran ditulis diatas meterai, dilampiri dengan:1. Daftar Riwayat...

Lowongan Kerja Teknik di APRIL (RAPP) Riau Terbaru Agustus-September 2010

The Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Ltd. (“APRIL”) is one of the world’s leading pulp and paper companies. The company is headquartered in Singapore and has its main production operations in Indonesia and China. APRIL Indonesia situated on a 1,750 hectare site at Pangkalan Kerinci, near Pekanbaru in Riau Province, Sumatra. APRIL operations include pulp and paper mills, an integrated chemical plant, and a power plant that generates all the energy for the complex, mostly from bio-fuel.The Kraft pulp mill is the biggest...

Lowongan Kerja Pertambangan di PT. Equator B&D Indonesia September 2010

PT. Equator B&D Indonesia is a group of subsidiary company of Equator B&D, co.Ltd Korea based in Jakarta. We are a developingmining company seeking qualified experienced people with strong interpersonal skill, capability to fill recruitment asfollows :1. General Affairs* Male* More than 28 years old* Minimum University Degree S1 in Law with min GPA 3.00* Minimum 2 years working experience in the same field* Computer literate* Excellent in English both oral & written* Have high analysis skill, good negotiation &...

Lowongan Sales Executive Toyota di PT Astra International Tbk September 2010

Berdiri sejak Tahun 1975, PT. Astra Internasional Tbk. - Toyota yang dikenal dengan nama Auto2000 terus berkembang menjadimain dealer Toyota terbesar. Bergerak dalam penjualan kendaraan Toyota dan pelayanan After Sales yang berkualitas dalam satuatap di jaringan Auto2000 yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.Sales Executive Toyota(Jakarta Raya)Requirements:* Jika Anda:- Memilliki minat dagang/sales- Usia maksimal 28 tahun- Berorientasi pada target- Pendidikan min. SMA berpengalaman atau D3* Benefit:- Gaji Pokok & status karyawan...

Lowongan Kepala Bagian di PT Sari Mas Permai Surabaya September 2010

PT Sari Mas Permai merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang minyak goreng, berlokasi di Surabaya, membutuhkan karyawanyang berkualitas untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :KEPALA BAGIAN (KB) – 6 orang* Min. D3 Jurusan Teknik dari universitas terkemuka* Bersedia untuk mengembangkan kemampuan di bidang perencanaan, produksi, perbaikan, teknik logistik dan gudang* Mengusasi komputer (Ms WOrd, Excel, Power Point, Auto CAD* Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan target yang tinggi* Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bekerja dalam...

Info Lowongan Guru Full/Part Time di ELTI Gramedia

Starting its operation in Jakarta since 1981, ELTI (English Language Training International) has managed to answer the need of having better English incompanies, public and schools. ELTI learning centers are located in Jakarta, Bandung, Lampung, Bogor, Yogyakarta and Solo. Further more, in 1989 ELTI became a part of Kompas Gramedia, one of the most outstanding private companies in Media and Education Industry in Indonesia, and under the management of Kompas Gramedia, ELTI has made steady progress and development.We challenge...

Info Lowongan Teknik di PT Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Tbk September 2010

Come and join with us!Validation Engineer / SpecialistQualifications :* A Bachelors degree in Engineering, Information Technology, or other related technical field.* Excellent writing skills.* Problem identification and solving ability.* Must be open-minded, flexible and able to adapt easily and accept new ideas quickly.* Strong communication and interpersonal skills ensuring the ability to interact with clients, other contractor personnel and peers in a professional manner.* An understanding of manufacturing processes employed...

Lowongan Kerja Tamatan SMU, STM Mesin/Otomotif/Listrik di Blue Bird Group Cabang Medan

Blue Bird Group sebagai perusahaan jasa transportasi terkemuka di Indonesia dengan pengalaman lebih dari 38 tahun akan membuka cabang di kota Medan. Membuka lowongan untuk posisi sebagai:Mekanik Body Repair-Bekleding, Cat & Las Ketok (Kode: MBR)Pendidikan min SMU atau sederajat, usia maksimal 28 tahun. Memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya merupakan nilai lebih. Terbuka bagi lulusan baru dengan nilai rata-rata minimal 7.00. Bersedia bekerja shiftMekanik Otomotif (Kode: MO)Pendidikan minimal STM Mesin/Otomotif atau sederajat. Usia...

Lowongan Kerja Kasir di PT Electronic City Indonesia Jabodetabek, Medan dan Bali

Perusahaan modern ritel electronic terkemuka yang berlokasi di Jabodetabek, Medan, Bali, membutuhkan dengan segera beberapa kandidat untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :CASHIER STORE (JABODETABEK, MEDAN, BALI)Qualification:1. Wanita, usia max 25 tahun2. Pendidikan min DI/SMU/SMK3. Pengalaman min 1 tahun di perusahaan retail sebagai Cashier atau SPG4. Memiliki tinggi badan min 160 cm5. Berpenampilan menarik6. Dapat bekerja secara team maupun individu7. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh storeKirim lamaran beserta photo terbaru...

Lowongan Jurusan Akuntansi, Finance di Susi Air bulan September 2010

We, SusiAir, are an established airline company, the largest operator of Cessna Caravan in Asia Pacific Region is seeking high qualified candidates for position in Papua, Kalimantan, and other area in Indonesia:1. District Manager (DM)- Male/Female, Max. 35 years old- Fresh Graduates or Having 1 year experience in related field- Bachelor/Master degree from reputable university in any discipline, With GPA Min 2.80- People oriented, keen commercial attitude- Strong communication skills in English2. Accounting Manager (M-ACC)-...

Lowongan Sound Engineering di Universitas/AKPAR Bunda Mulia Jakarta

Kami mengajak anda untuk bergabung di Universitas kami, sebagai:Sound EngineeringKualifikasi :* Pria/Wanita, usia max. 35 thn* Pengalaman min. 2 thn pada bidangnya (diutamakan mampu mengoperasikan digital sound system)* Pendidikan S1,* Berdedikasi tinggi dan bisa bekerja dalam tim.Bagi yang berminat, dapat segera mungkin mengirim Surat Lamaran, CV lengkap( tercantum pasphoto 4×6, photo copy KTP) kepada :Human Resource DepartmentUniversitas/AKPAR Bunda MuliaJl. Lodan Raya No. 2,Jakarta 14430.Telp. 021- 690 9090Fax. 021- 690...


We are the property arm of Keppel Group, one of Singapore’s largestmultinational companies with core businesses in offshore and marine,infrastructure, and property. As an established developer, we aregeographically diversified across 11 countries in Asia Pacific. KeppelLand has been in Indonesia for more than 15 years with projects locatedin Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali and Manado. We are seeking motivated candidates for the position of: SALES & MARKETING EXECUTIVEQualification Required : * Female / Male, between...

Penerimaan Staff Kedutaan Besar Jepang September 2010

Embassy of Japan VacancyPlacement JakartaEmbassy Jobs (Position: Local Staff)Here below are the planned recruitment of local staff at the Embassy of Japan began work on November 1, 2010:1. Job Description:Responsible for consular duties at the Consulate General of Japan in Jakarta.2. The number of workers who will be recruited:One (1) people.3. Qualifications:1) citizen graduates of S1 and the maximum 30-year-old.2) Having the certificate of Nihon-go Nouryoku Shiken Level 1.3) To control the computer (Word, Excel).4. Recruitment...

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Training & Consulting September 2010

PT Pertamina Training & Consulting is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) which is engaged in Training, and Recruitment Consultants. Legal OfficerRequirements: * S1 Degree in Law * Min GPA 2.75 * Men aged 30 years Max * Work Experience first-year Legal section * Understand Computers * Good in english communication * Experienced in making the agreement work * Understand / know about the issue licenses and permits * To the Customs and Excise, BPOM, Taxes, SNI, Ministry of Manpower * Mastering the labor law and legislation...

Lowongan Kerja MNC Skyvision September 2010

PT MNC Skyvision (INDOVISION) as a pioneer company with operations in pay television business encompassing from content of worldwide television channels and also as the largest and only integrated pay television company in Indonesia.HR Officer (Job Location: Palembang & Medan)Qualifications: * * Male / Female, age minimum 25 years * * Minimal S1 (preferably majoring in Psychology) * * Experience in HRD at least two years of handling recruitment, training & payroll * * Communicative * * Willing to work...

Lowongan Kerja Communication Officer September 2010

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference.The Conference was organized in response to the food crises of the early 1970s that primarily affected the Sahelian countries of Africa. The conference resolved that “an International Fund for Agricultural Development should be established immediately to finance agricultural development projects...

PT Jomthaicoal Indonesia - Accounting Staff, Finance & Accounting Manager

PT Jomthai Coal Indonesia - We are coal mining company are seeking outstanding individuals to join our team to support our company growth:ACCOUNTING STAFF ( Code : AS )Requirements : * Female * Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from reputable university * Fresh graduate are encouraged to apply * Fluent in English spoken and written would be advantage * Has pleasant personality and able to work with team * Good computer skillsFINANCE & ACCOUNTING MANAGER ( Code : FAM )Requirements : * Minimum Bachelor’s...

Lowongan Kerja Air Mancur

PT Perusahaan Jamu Air Mancur has been inhabitant herbal bureau with any kind of normal disinfectant products formed in Solo, Central Java, seeking for intensity claimant for Product Supply Operations (PSO) which await upon prolongation planning, warehouse, as well as logistic. They will be rise as destiny workman as :PSO – Staff (Jawa Tengah)Requirements:* Male, limit twenty-six years old, Bachelor grade from a TMI with GPA min 2,80* Preferably work gifted 1-2 years upon PPIC staff & logistics* Strong analytical, tough...

Lowongan Kerja Caprock communications

Caprock communications is one of the global leaders in satellite telecommunications services. We are growing with over 25 years of experience. With projects in over 60 countries around the world, Caprock has become the trusted provider. As a result of continuous growth and expansion in Indonesia we are seeking a broad range of people experience in the Telecommunication, Maritime, Mining and Oil & Gas industries.a. Project Manager (Code: PM)Minimum bachelor degree in Electronic/Telecommunication Engineering from reputable...


PT TOPJAYA SARANA UTAMA (TSU) is the Sole Distributor of Toshiba since 1982. TOPJAYA is certified with ISO 9001 since 2004. We run our business with highest standard of Operational Excellence, we are supported by SAP, ERP system, Real Time Data and Telecommunication facilities to Manage all data and Operational Activities. We have branches and sub branches all across Indonesia. As a leading Distribution Company for a Global brand, we cover a wide range of customers which include Traditional market, Modern Hyper market, Project...

PT PLN (Persero)

PT Indonesia Power adalah salah satu anak perusahaan PT PLN (Persero) yang merupakan Perusahaan Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik dengan total kapasitas terpasang sekitar 9000 MW dan memiliki delapan Unit Bisnis Pembangkitan yang tersebar di Pulau Jawa dan Bali, serta satu Unit Bisnis Jasa Pemeliharaan. PT Indonesia Power terus melakukan penambahan kapasitas pembangkit listrik, baik di Pulau Jawa maupun di luar Pulau Jawa antara lain Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Sumatera Selatan, Jambi dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. PT Indonesia Power...

Adaro Group - Supply Chain Engineer, Internal Audit Staff

Adaro Group - operates under a Coal Cooperation Agreement with the Government of Indonesia which gives it the right to mine coal within its Agreement Area in the Tanjung district of South Kalimantan Province until the year 2022 with Rights to extend by mutual agreement are available. There are three deposits within the Agreement Area which contain total coal resources of 2.8 billion tones of open cut coal characterized by extremely thick seams of up to 50 meters with relatively low overburden. We are currently seeking:Supply...

PT Jomthaicoal Indonesia - Accounting Staff, Finance & Accounting Manager

PT Jomthai Coal Indonesia - We are coal mining company are seeking outstanding individuals to join our team to support our company growth:ACCOUNTING STAFF ( Code : AS )Requirements : * Female * Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from reputable university * Fresh graduate are encouraged to apply * Fluent in English spoken and written would be advantage * Has pleasant personality and able to work with team * Good computer skillsFINANCE & ACCOUNTING MANAGER ( Code : FAM )Requirements : * Minimum Bachelor’s...

WWF Indonesia - Finance and Office Coordinator Berau

WWF-Indonesia is an independent member of WWF, the global organization, a network of WWF organizations and affiliates operating in close to 100 countries worldwide. It is an independent foundation registered under Indonesia law. In carrying out its conservation work, WWF- Indonesia has 25 project offices in 17 provinces. This organization works with local government through practical field projects, scientific research, advising local governments on environmental policy, promoting environmental education, empowering communities,...

Geographe Energy - Field Svc Technician, Valve Engineer, Project Sales Administrator

PT Geographe Energy Indonesia - Geographe Energy is a company with extensive expertise in oil and gas and processing industries. Our company is backed by a team of over 270 engineering personnel throughout Australia and South East Asia with a wide range of experience and knowledge. Stringent quality control guidelines govern every refurbishment, ensuring that attention to every detail is given. Specific emphasis is used in determining the underlying cause of problem valves and to engineer solutions for them. Ball grinding,...

Electrical Supervisor PT Showa Esterindo Indonesia

URGENTLY REQUIREDWe are a Japanese chemical manufacturer located at Merak Banten is looking for a dynamic staffs for immediate employment to fill the position as:Electrical & Instrumentation SupervisorQualifications: * Bachelor Degree or D3 in Electrical & Instrumentation * Age maximum 33 years old * Have at least 3 (three) years experience, preferable in similar petrochemical company * Having good track record in PLC, DCS, Field Instrument & HVAC equipments * Good understanding in IT & Network...

Residence Maid The U.S. Ambassador

URGENTLY NEEDEDResidence MaidThe U.S. Mission to ASEAN in Jakarta has a vacancy for the Ambassador’s Residence Main. S/he is responsible for the upkeep and cleaning of the ASEAN Ambassador’s residence including cleaning rooms, hallways, lobbies, loungers, restrooms, corridors, stairways, and other work areas so that sanitary standards are met. S/he will be required to replenish supplies, such as drinking glasses, linens and bathroom for the ASEAN Ambassador and his family. The ASEAN Ambassador will often entertain and he candidate...

HR GA Assistant PT Petrolink Services Indonesia

PT Petrolink Services IndonesiaWe are an international IT company providing developing applications, such as communications systems, databases, e-commerce and web systems, reporting packages, data capture and plotting tools. We integrate disparate programs, databases and office tools, and we also provide consultancy and support services. Find out more about our company by visiting our website at Currently we are looking for hard-working people to join our staff as: HR-GA AssistantHR GA Assistant IDR 2500000...
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