Bank Syariah Bukopin started banking operations by conducting business based on sharia principles on October 27, 2008 and inaugurated by Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia on October 27, 2008. Currently PT. Bank Syariah Bukopin Cab. Bandung opening career opportunities for following positions:
1. Teller (TL)
2. Customer Service (CS)
3. Back Office (BO)
General Requirements:
- Male / female maximum 24 years old
- Minimum height 160 cm (female), 170 cm (male)
- Good appearance
- Diploma degree (D3) in Economics with minimum GPA 2.75
- Mastering Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word
- Understand English
- Not married
- Female for TL position, male for CS and BO positions
Should you interested please send your CV, 2 3×4 size color photograph, copy of ID card, copy of diploma and transcript (legalized) with position code on top left corner of envelope, not later than 17 July 2010 to:
PT. Bank Syariah Bukopin Cab. Bandung
UP. Departemen Sumber Daya Insani
Jl. LL.RE.Martadinata No.142 Bandung 40113
For complete information please visit :