Lowongan Account Officer di Bank Mega Syariah Agustus 2010

PT Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia diawali dari sebuah bank umum bernama PT Bank Umum Tugu yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. Pada tahun 2001, Para Group (PT Para Global Investindo dan PT Para Rekan Investama), kelompok usaha yang juga menaungi PT Bank Mega, Tbk, Trans TV, Trans 7, Para Finance, Mega Life, Asuransi Umum Mega, Mega Capital, Coffee Bean, Ice Cream Baskin & Robins, Bandung super mall, Trans Studio, Carefour dan beberapa Perusahaan lainnya, mengakuisisi PT Bank Umum Tugu untuk dikembangkan menjadi bank syariah. Hasil...

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT PERTAMINA Juli - Agustus 2010

Pertamina mencari individu-individu berbakat dan berpotensi yang mampu mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang mengakselerasi pencapaian visi Pertamina: menjadi perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia. Kembangkanlah ide, kreativitas dan inovasi anda sebagai solusi dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas operasional sampai dengan pengembangan bisnis. Temukan berbagai pekerjaan dan tugas yang menantang dan berbagai pilihan tempat bekerja. Anda akan bekerja sama dengan rekan kerja dari berbagai latar...

Lowongan Kerja Asuransi PT Panin Life Agustus 2010

Panin Life is a life insurance company, member of Panin Group. Since 1971, Panin Group has been serving the Indonesian society in financial service businesses including banking, life insurance, general insurance, securities, and multi finance. Through its innovative products, Panin Life provides a wide range of life insurance protection & investment programs, including sharia products, to fulfill every individual and corporate needs. In order to serve the wide range of customers, Panin Life provides sales offices and customer...

Lowongan Perbankan Bank CIMB Niaga Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja (loker) Bank CIMB Niaga. Batas lamaran: Juli s/d 24 Agustus 2010As one of leading bank in Indonesia established since 1955, CIMB Niaga(formerly known as Bank Niaga) is currently the sixth largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets. We have proven our achievement with the spirit of professionalism and our commitment in Good Corporate Governance.Due to our rapid growth in becoming universal bank, we invite you to be one of our Winning Team. In CIMB Niaga, you’ll find the best career advancement and personal development...

Management Associate Development Program UOB Buana

Aim hingerRising and soaring aboveJoin us with UOB Buana Management Associate Development ProgramAttaining your academic potential is only the beginning. UOB Buana is dedicated to help you make your mark in the Banking Industry by offering you to join our annual program which is aimed to train brilliant young men and women to take up leadership duty and to gain wider exposure in different sectors of business. Make your mark with us now by sending your resume before 25 August 2010 to uobbuanama2010@alpha-maps.comMAN Candidates...

Trade Sales Corporate Bank Danamon

If you come with the knowledge and expertise, boundless opportunity to excel is in your reach. Danamon, Indonesia’s Best Trade Finance Provider Bank in 2005 to 2009 (by Global Finance Magazine), is looking for new talents. Join LIS and get the opportunity to work in an open Culture environment where people are rewarded for their commitment and performance. We are looking for professional, passionate, dynamic and dedicated individuals to be part of our team. We are inviting you to join Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan,...

Finance Lecturers Prasetiya Mulya Business School

We are looking forFaculty Members/LecturersBe Part of Prasetiya Mulya’s Tradition of Academic ExcellencePrasetiya Mulya Business School, established in September 1982, pioneered the MBA program in Indonesia. The school aims to serve as an excellent center of learning for business entrepreneurs, professional, and researchers. Prasetiya Mulya is the Indonesia’s leading educational institution providing Undergraduate & Graduate Business degree programs and non degree programs in business management.The school invites applicants...

Rabobank Indonesia - Customer Service Relationship, Rabo Retail Marketing Academy Program

Rabobank Indonesia is a part of the Rabobank Group, a full-range financial services provider founded on co-operative principles. Headquartered in Utrecht, The Netherlands, the Group employs more than 60.000 staffs in 43 countries, servicing the needs of more than nine million clients worldwide. Food & Agribusiness is the international prime focus of the Rabobank Group. Our solidity and stability is evidenced by being ranked 4th in the World’s Safest Bank 2008 list by Global Finance Magazine. We are currently seeking suitable...

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Adhi Karya (Persero)

ADHI was initiated on March 11, 1960 when the Minister of Public Works set Architecten-Ingenicure-en Annnemersbedrijf “Associatie Selle en de Bruyn, Reyerse en de Vries N.V” (Associatie N.V.),one of the Dutch-owned company that was nationalized into PN Adhi Karya. Nationalization was intended to spur infrastructure development in Indonesia.ADHI status changed to a Limited Company on June 1, 1974 and approved by the Minister of Justice. ADHI was 100% owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia until end of 2003 when...

Informasi Lowongan Kerja Penerimaan CPNS Riau 2010

Menurut informasi yang LKIT (Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Terbaru) dapatkan di lapangan, Pemprov Riau pada tahun 2010 ini telah menerima jumlah formasi yang telah disetujui oleh Kemenpan.Total semua formasi Penerimaan CPNS Riau Tahun 2010 ini berjumlah 3098 orang.Jumlah formasi tersebut akan disesuaikan terhadap masing-masing kota dan kabupaten di provinsi Riau. Jumlah formasi yang sudah tergambar, di antaranya Kabupaten Bengkalis sebanyak 276 lowongan dan Kota Pekanbaru sebagai yang terendah mendapatkan kuota formasi hanya mendapat...

Lowongan Kerja Swasta ClipanFinance

Kami Perusahaan pembiayaan terkemuka yang saat ini sedang berkembang pesat memberikan kesempatan pada profesional muda yang kreatif, dinamis dan memiliki integritas yang tinggi serta memiliki motivasi bekerja yang baik untuk bergabung di perusahaan kamiyang meliputi wilayah Jabodetabek, Sumatra : Medan, Jambi, Lampung, Pekanbaru, Kalimantan : Balikpapan,Banjarmasin, Samarinda. Sulawesi : Makasar, Manado. Jawa Tengah : Semarang, Yogyakarta. Jawa Barat : Bandung, Tasik. Surabaya dan Denpasar.Dan Posisi Yang di butuhkan sebagai...

Info Lowongan Teknik PT Indorama Synthetics Tbk Agustus 2010

We are professionally managed Multinational company head quartered in Jakarta. We are driven by strong commitment to our values and motto of “People – Technology - Excellence” and have world class manufacturing facilities and global marketing network.We are currently seeking for potential personnel for the following position, which will be based in Purwakarta, West Java.Engineer Customer Technical Service (for Textile)(Jawa Barat - Purwakarta)Responsibilities:* To follow up and analysis of complaints* To make daily and monthly...

Info Lowongan Account Assistant - Budget Controller di Agro Group

We are a well established foreign conglomerate having business interest in Palm Oil Plantations, Breweries, Financial Services and Leisure. AGRO GROUP is the Groups’ plantations in Indonesia who has a land bank in excess of 100,000 hectares of plantations and mills in Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan and Kalimantan Timur. In line with our expansion plans and commitments for growth, we are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic professionals.Account Assistant - Budget Controller(Kalimantan Tengah)Responsibilities:*...

Info Lowongan Sales Executive PT Orange Media Indonesia

The most distinguished & prominent media alliance revolving the whole Asia under one convention. Rich resource of professionals and experienced deposit into specialize publications for industry essentiality the Industrial & Automation Guide Indonesia!In association with Media Representatives from all over the world, we delivers attentive services and quality publications, forefront the industries with the latest and informative details.Effective marketing and promotion is strongly implied alongside with regionalbranches....

Info Lowongan Management Trainee PT Duma Nusatama Bekasi

Mari bergabung bersama kami, menempati posisi sebagai:Management Trainee ( MT )(Jawa Barat - Bekasi)Requirements:* Pendidikan S1 Tehnik Mesin / Industri* Fresh Graduate* IP Min 2,75 (skala 4)* Usia maksimal 25 Tahun* Smart, kreatif, inovatif* Komputer, Autocad dan sejenisnyaKirim CV dan lamaran ke :PT. Duma NusatamaJl. Raya Narogong , Km.12Pangkalan II , Bantar Gebang, Bekasiatau emil ke :agus_subagyo67@yahoo....

Lowongan Kerja Product Development Officer PT LIG Insurance Indonesia Agustus 2010

Urgently required a candidates for the following positions for Insurance Company at Jakarta :Product Development Officer(Jakarta Raya)Requirements:* Max 30 years old* Male/Female* Bachelor Degree with any background from reputable university* Have working experience in Call Centre/Customer Service/Telemarketing for more than 3 years* Experience as Call Centre/Customer Service/Telemarketing Supervisor will be most preferable* Target oriented, strong leadership skills and high integrity* Excellent verbal and written communication...

Lowongan Kerja PT Smart Tbk Agustus 2010

Let’s grow with our company, one of major world players in palm oil industries. Due to our fast expansion we are in needs of several professional who are outstanding and high motivated to fill the position of:CORPORATE LEGAL SENIOR MANAGER(Jakarta Raya)Requirements:* Candidate must possess at least a Master’s Degree in Law or equivalent.* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.* Preferably Senior Managers specializing in Law/Legal Services or equivalent. Job role in Contracts...

Lowongan Sales di Medan, Bandung, Surabaya dan Semarang PT Zeelandia Indonesia

Kami Perusahaan Food Industry bahan-bahan kue (Bakery Inggridient) dan premix kue yang dipasarkan pada Bakery, Hotel, Restoran, Cafe dan Industry roti yang berkembang pesat membutukan profesional untuk posisi sebagai berikut:Sales(Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, Bali)Requirements:* Pria* Pendidikan min SMU* Disukai yang berpengalaman sebagai sales makanan / FMCG* Lebih disukai berpengalaman dalam penjualan bahan-bahan kue* Memiliki SIM C dan Kendaraan Sendiri* Seleksi akan dilakukan di kota penempatanKirimkan cv dan foto...

Lowongan SPG atau Marketing di PT Jagat Mitra Tunggal Agustus 2010

Perusahaan bergerak dibidang Restaurant dan Spesialisasi Wedding & Function Hall yang memiliki cabang di Pasar Baru, Gajah Mada Tower, Kelapa Gading, Pantai Indah Kapuk dan BSD, membuka lowongan kerja bagi tenaga muda yang dinamis untuk ditempatkan diposisi sebagai berikut :Marketing / SPG(Jakarta Raya)Requirements:* Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun* Pendidikan terakhir Min. SLTA/SMK* Pengalaman Minimal 1 tahun ( Fresh Graduate dipertimbangkan )* Berpenampilan rapih dan menarik* Berkepribadian Familiar, Ramah dan Komunikatif*...

Lowongan Teknik di PT Indochem Speciatama Jawa Timur

Kami perusahaan berkembang yang sudah aktif lebih dari 25 tahun, membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang mempunyai attitude baik serta motivasi tinggi, untuk menempati posisi sebagai :Technical Consultants / Sales - Marketing(Jawa Timur)Requirements:* Pendidikan min. S1 diutamakan jurusan Teknik* Pria / wanita Usia 25 - 40 th* Sehat jasmani / rohani dan berkelakuan baik* Mempunyai wawasan luas* Mampu berbahasa Inggris (pasif) & menguasai komputer* Energik, suka bekerja keras serta mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik* Mempunyai kendaraan...

Lowongan Kerja Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories

After two decades of running in the Indonesian pharmaceutical industry, PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories has built up trust and cooperation with many parties, such as distributors, doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, consumers, drugstores and supermarkets throughout Indonesia.During the period, PT. Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories has also succeeded to achieve recognition as a quality-oriented manufacturer and as the first Indonesian pharmaceutical company to receive three certificates on quality system.The working counterparts...


A company that focused on Telecommunication Network Business in Indonesia is seeking potential candidates to be employed as:Supervisor (FINANCE & ACCOUNTING)Accountabilities:Responsible to manage Forecasting and results Project Revenue Recognition process. Work closely with Marketing, Project Team & CFO.General RequirementProficiency both Indonesian and English (written/spoken)Min GPA. 3.00Good computer skill in Microsoft excel (excellent) will be testing at interviewAge max 30 years oldRequired knowledge and skill:Bachelor...


We are an aggressively – expanding Consumer Goods company. In line with our rapid growth, we'd like to invite dedicated and committed professionals to strengthen our team as :Production, Planning and Inventory Control ( PPIC) OfficerQualifications :Female, max. 25 years oldS1/ bachelor's degree Industrial Engineering/Chemistry Major, min. GPA 3.00One year working experience in production/planning related field preferredAnalytical, proactive with attention to detail and accuracy.Able to communicate well with others in terms of...

AEL Mining Services - Site Manager, MMU Project Engineer, Field Supervisor, Engineer, Shotfirer, MMU Operator, Mechanic

AEL Mining Services - African Explosive Limited (AEL) is one of the world’s leading suppliers of commercial explosive, initiating system, and blasting service since 1896. AEL is principal developer, manufacturer and supplier of commercial explosive initiating system and blasting services supplying the mining, quarrying and construction markets. AEL’s commitment to sustained growth in South East Asia highlighted by recent successes in Indonesia will ensure a strong period of growth for the company in the Asia Pacific Region....

BHP Billiton - Community Relations and Land Acquisition Supervisor

PT BHP Billiton Indonesia - BHP Billiton - With 38,000 employees working more than 100 operations in approximately 25 countries, we represent the world s largest diversified resources company. We take our commitment to the communities in which we operate and do business in very seriously, and we are committed to operating safely and sustainable.Community Relations and Land Acquisition SupervisorReporting to Community Relations & Land Acquisition Superintendent this position will based in Site and be accountable for coordinate...

PT XL Axiata Tbk - Program Marketing Specialist

PT XL Axiata Tbk (formerly PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk), also known as XL, is an Indonesia-based mobile telecommunications services operator. The operator’s coverage includes Java, Bali and Lombok as well as the principal cities in and around Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. XL offers data communication, broadband Internet, mobile communication and 3G services over GSM 900, GSM 1800 networks.Program Marketing Specialist (PMS)Your main responsibilities are to: * Build VAS & Mobile Data brand awareness and buzz. * Create...

PT. JDA-Indonesia - Exploration Geologist

PT. JDA-Indonesia are manpower consultants for the Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industries within Indonesia. JDA had been servicing the Indonesian Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industry for 20 years. As a result of the decision to strengthen JDA’s presence in Indonesia, JDA-Indonesia are now strongly represented in Indonesia with offices in Jakarta, Balikpapan, Tembagapura and Batu Hijau.Our client is a Sydney based miner exploring for Gold-Silver and Base Metals on the island...

Lowongan Kerja CPNS

Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Utara, dalam hal ini sebagai badan pengawas yang berada di bawah naungan Departemen Perdagangan dan Perindustrian menerima calon pegawai baru untuk mengisi posisi:Biro Pemeliharaan Jaringan (BPJ)Biro Pelaksana Administrasi (BPA)Biro Pengembangan SDM (SDM)Biro Keuangan dan Perpajakan (BKP)Biro Pengadaan Barang (BPB)Biro Pengembangan Pasar (BPP)Persyaratan:Warga Negara IndonesiaPria/Wanita max. 30 tahun, Pendidikan min. SMU/sederajatMampu mengoperasikan komputerTidak pernah diberhentikan...

Lowongan Kerja Fumakilla

Fumakilla Limited is a diversified, multi-market organization with marketing representation in over 100 countries and annual sales of approximately 16 billion(yen). The company develops, manufactures, and markets a wide range of high quality insecticides and toiletries, and a variety of gardening and pet care products. The quality of our product mix combined with a worldwide marketing base and strong sales and distribution system continue to set us apart from others in the international marketplace. Fumakilla was the...

Lowongan Kerja Supra Aluminium Industri

PT Supra Aluminium Industri, a subsidiary of Choice Singapore Polymer specializes in the distribution of flexible (plastic) packaging films to food, tobacco and paper lamination and cable wrap industries. Our main products are: Polyester and Metallized Polyester, Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Metallized Bopp, Cast Polypropylene and Metallized Cast Polypropylene, Aluminium Foil, Nylon, Poly Vinyl Chloride Film, Nokstop VCI Film - Corrosion Protection, Pe Resin, Pp ResinChoice Singapore Polymer provides short lead-time,...

PT Antam Jindal Stainless Indonesia - Senior Metallurgist, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Legal Officer

PT Antam Jindal Stainless Indonesia is a subsidiary company of PT Antam, Tbk, focusing its business on Nickel processing. The project will held its Smelting Plant in North Konawe, South East Sulawesi. We invite you to join our team as: Senior Metallurgist (SM) MaleMinimum Bachelor degree in Metallurgy Engineering from reputableUniversityMaximum 40 years oldGood leadership skill, able to work in team and hard workerMinimum 2 years experience in Metal Processing (Nickel Ore) Mechanical Engineer (ME) MaleBachelor Degree in...

Sales Manager Hartono Rent Car

Hartono Rent Car, a nation wide car rental company invites professional people to fill in the following position: SALES MANAGER (SM) Male, minimum 5 years experiences as a Sales Manager in car rental businessHave a strong entrepreneurship, negotiation and leadership skillsHave a wide relationship and networking with corporationsWilling to work under pressure and target orientedEnglish is a must and fluent Mandarin is preferable Qualified applicant can send the curriculum vitae latest photograph, transcript and diploma to our...

Social Standards Officer TFT Forests

The Forest Trust (www.tft-forests.org) seeks to recruit a Social Standards Officer for their office in Semarang, Indonesia. The successful candidate must be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English and prepared to travel extensively Indonesia. The candidates should possess, as a minimum, the following skill sets and experience: Solid and demonstrable hands on experience of conducting social audits as well as related follow-up activityA good understanding of Ethical/Social & Excellent communication skillsExposure to SA 8000,...

Lowongan Global TV Reporter Presenter

Lowongan kerja di Global TV sebagai Reporter Presenter di Jakarta selatan lulusan s1Global TV, one of the National Television in Indonesia, is looking for talented, creative, innovative, and energetic young professional to fill vacancy as: Reporter / Presenter Jakarta SelatanResponsibilities* Introduce and host tv programmes, read the news, interview people and report on issues and events. Include report writing and publication that enables accurate and timely delivery. Requirements* Candidate must possess at least...

Lowongan MT Toyota Astra Juli Agustus 2010

Lowongan MT Management Trainee Astra International Tbk (PT. Toyota Auto 2000) Batas lamaran: Juli s/d 10 Agustus 2010) PT. Astra Intl Tbk – Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000), the Biggest Main Dealer Toyota in Indonesia with more than 70 branches around Indonesia seeking a qualified candidates to occupy the following position : MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (MT-TOYOTA SALES OPERATION/AUTO 2000) 1. MT-Finance & Administration (MT-FA) Qualification : * Max. age 26 years old * Bachelor Degree, Finance / Accounting major *...

Lowongan Kerja Agricon

AGRICON is the leading locally grown agrochemical distributor in Indonesia. We have been committed to supporting agricultural development in the country and meeting the needs of a wide variety of customers by providing quality products and services. This has been the key of success for us at AGRICON and a philosophy that we believe lead the way forward for the agrochemical industry into the next century. We are looking for :ORGANIZATION & PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT(Bogor based)1 – 2 experience in Organization Development,...

Lowongan Kerja Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm headquartered in New York City, New York, United States serving a diversified group of corporations, governments, financial institutions, and individuals. Morgan Stanley also operates in 36 countries around the world, with over 600 offices and a workforce of over 60,000.[1] The company reports US$779 billion as assets under its management. It is headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.The corporation, formed by J.P. Morgan & Co. employees Henry S. Morgan...

Lowongan Kerja Rekadaya Elektrika

PT Rekadaya Elektrika has a wide area of services in electric power industry sector as EPC contracting (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) for Power Plant, Network, Distribution and SCADA projects of which the company belongs to PT PLN (Persero) through PT PJB, PT Indonesia Power, PT PLN Batam , YPK PLN and PT Rekayasa Industri. In line with the company planning and goal to strengthen the management and project team, we invite a competent and challenge-seeking professional to be positioned as follows :1....

MedcoEnergi - Internal Auditor

MedcoEnergi is the first Indonesian company operating in the oil & gas exploration and production business listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange since 1994. Now, MedcoEnergi has transformed itself from local company to become an energy company operating in Indonesia and overseas, with focus on Oil and Gas, power generation and renewable fuels. We are currently seeking: INTERNAL AUDITOR (MEI)With the following qualifications: Age 25 – 40 years.Willing to travel for audit assignment.A degree (S1) in Accounting or Science...

PT. Fumakilla Indonesia - Purchasing Assistant Chief, Assistant Manager HRD & GA

PT. Fumakilla Indonesia is a multinational corporation (PMA Japan) who is engaged in household insecticide products / anti-mosquito products “vape”, requiring immediate several employees in a creative, energetic and dynamic for the position: PURCHASING ASSISTANT CHIEFTo be based in Tangerang Qualification: S1 from Reputable Universities with IPK min 2.75Age maximum 30 years oldExperienced in Purchasing & Procuring at least 1 year in Manufacturing CompanyMastering in negotiation is a mustGood behavior and honestComputer...

PT Lion Wings - R & Q - Quality Control

PT Lion Wings - Established in 1891, Lion corporation is committed to meeting the everyday needs and enriched the lives of people everywhere. Product innovation to offer maximum value is actively pursued to anticipate the aspirations of our consumers. We are currently seeking: R & D - Quality ControlQualifications: Male / female, preferably single, age max 28 years oldBachelor Degree (S1) in Chemical Engineering / Pharmaceutical / Apothecary, with GPA min 3.00Fresh Graduate or min 1 year working experienceMastering...

Finance Clerk UNDP

FINANCE CLERK Summary of key functions: Ensure implementation of operational strategies and proceduresProvide accounting and administrative supportSupport to knowledge building and trust 1. Ensure implementation of operational strategies and procedures, focusing on achievement of the following results: Full compliance of financial processes and financial records with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies.Provision of inputs to elaboration of workplans 2. Provide accounting and administrative support, focusing on...

IT Associate UNDP

IT ASSOCIATE The Government of Indonesia established the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) decree in September 2009. The ICCTF shall be nationally managed, and is part of the Government’s commitment to implement the Jakarta Commitment to enhance national ownership and improve aid coordination in response to climate change. In this framework, the Government and UNDP have jointly established and started to implement the project “Preparatory Arrangement for the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (PREP-ICCTF)”....

AML Bank Chinatrust Indonesia

Bank Chinatrust Indonesia is a subsidiary of Chinatrust Commercial Banking in Taiwan. We have been operating in Indonesia since the year of 1997. The result is shows in our achievement awarded by Infobank Magazine as “Sangat Bagus” continuously since year 1998 – 2008. As we aggressively expanding our business, we urgently invite candidate for the position to be based in Jakarta & reporting to the Compliance Director. AML & KYC Requirements: Implementation of Anti Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism...

Documentation & Registry Administrative UNFPA

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (DOCUMENTATION AND REGISTRY) BackgroundUNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. Duties and...
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