PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Mandiri Micro Manager, Credit Quality Officer, Credit Administration Officer, Mikro Kredit Analis

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - As the largest Bank in Indonesia, we are currently seeking professional and experienced candidates for the following positions:

Mandiri Micro Manager (Code: MMM)

* Min 5 years working experience: 3 years in micro finance and 2 years leading micro finance unit
* Good communications skill,neat, courteously with high confidence is preferable

Duties & Responsibilities:

* Leading and managing micro finance unit
* Decide to give credit based on authorized limit
* Develop credit portfolio and maintain the health of the credit

Credit Quality Officer (Code: CQO)

* Min 4 years working experience in credit supervision, credit administration, internal audit and accounting/finance
* MS Office literate

Duties & Responsibilities:

* Perform the control & supervisory function to have a good & smooth credit lending
* Perform supervisory credit process, booking, monitoring and collecting

Credit Administration Officer (Code: CAO)

* Min 4 years experience in Credit Administration, Loan Officer or Marketing Officer
* MS Office literate

Duties & Responsibilities:

* Perform credit operation function, collateral storage, & credit documentation
* Performance analysis, GA function and SDM Monitoring

Micro Kredit Analyst (Code: MKA)

* Education min D3 (preferably S1), GPA min 2.50, age 24-28 years old
* MS Office literate
* Preferably having 1 year experience in Credit Administration
* No Family related working in Bank Mandiri (parents, brother/sister, husband/wife)

Duties & Responsibilities:

* Perform credit document verification, analysing and scoring
* Perform document compliance review and document legal review

General Qualifications for MMM, CAO, CQO:

* Local citizen, max 35 years old, Education min D3 (preferably S1), GPA min 2.50
* No Family related working in Bank Mandiri (parents, brother/sister, husband/wife)

Placement Area:
Kantor Wilayah III: Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Utara, Tangerang, Banten
Kantor Wilayah IV : Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Timur, Bekasi
Kantor Wilayah V : Jakarta Selatan, Depok, Bogor, Sukabumi

Send your application letter, CV, recent photograph, and other supportinf documents not later than 7 August 2010. Please state the job code and placement area on top left corner of the envelope and send it to:

Kantor Wilayah III:
HR Provider
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Kantor Wilayah III
Jl Lapangan Stasiun No. 2
Jakarta 11110

Kantor Wilayah IV:
HR Provider
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Kantor Wilayah IV
Jl MH Thamrin No 5
Jakarta 10340

Kantor Wilayah V:
HR Provider
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Plaza Bapindo, Menara Mandiri
Kantor Wilayah V
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 54-55
Jakarta 12190

Only short-listed candidates will be processed
The job code and area placement is mandatory , example: CQO-Banten
Without the job code, application will not be processed

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