Lowongan Kerja Dokter Agustus 2010 PT. Melati Puspamedika Sejahtera Jakarta

PT. Melati Puspamedika Sejahtera, established in 2002, is the first health care consultancy and services company in Indonesia which provides the most complete health care services to the clients, such as employee health benefits consultancy; health insurance consultancy; managed care; third party administration; medical evacuation and repatriation and other assistance services; health care providers network (doctors, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, clinical laboratory, optics, ambulances) and other services.
Our vision, mission and commitment have attracted talented professionals to share their unique capabilities and competency in delivering superb quality health care services.With various background and lots of experience in specific areas of service, our people have delicately build “I’M CARE 177″ as

Dokter On Site
(Jakarta Raya)


* Penanggung jawab klinik site
* Pelayanan medis termasuk : Kuvatif dan Preventif
* Pelayanan kesehatan kerja (Trauma/Medik)


* Pendidikan minimal S1 Kedokteran Umum (General Practicioner)
* Mempunyai Sertifikat Hiperkes, ATLS, ACLS
* Pria
* Usia Maksimal 45 Tahun
* Pasca PTT dengan pengalaman kerja 3 tahun
* Lebih disukai yang berpengalaman di medical emergency
* Lokasi tugas di Kalimantan / sumatra / sulawesi / jawa
* Dapat bekerja dengan baik dalam team
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Mau bekerja keras dan mandiri
* Memiliki sifat yang jujur, tegas dan lugas
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris aktif

Kirim lamaran dan CV lengkap ke :

Human Resourse Departement
PT Melati Puspamedika Sejahtera
Gedung Bluedot Centre Blok K, L, M
Jl. Gelong Baru Utara No 5 – 8 Tomang
Jakarta Barat

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