Lowongan Kerja IT PT Papataka Pusaka Indonesia - Senior PHP Programmer

PT Papataka Pusaka Indonesia

Papataka.com is Indonesia’s first digital publication and web based digital content retailer. Our mission is to provide a better way to enjoy knowledge by bringing in all kinds of books in various languages that are ever printed, in eBooks format. We also provide a platform for independent authors to publish through papataka.com. The boundary of knowledge is now limitless.

find us on the web: www.papataka.com

Senior PHP Programmer
(Jakarta Raya)


* Male/Female
* Maximum age 35 years old
* Working Hard, Smart, responsible, honest and exemplary
* Being able to lead team
* Location Jakarta & surrounding areas
* Hold min D3/S1 Degree from Computer Science or equivalent
* Mastering Mastering OOP in PHP5 MVC Framework
* Javascript using JQuery / MooTools
* Using MySQL 5.x Database / PostgreSQL 8.0
* Understanding Database, schema, stored procedures and schema design
* Understand CronJobs, scheduled processing, processing script
* Experience in the manufacture of large-scale websites, portal sites
* Experience with the Bank Payment Integration, Shopping Cart, Email Solution
* Mastering XHTML and CSS standards and outside of the Web
* Understanding the Zend Framework is plus or Yii, Qcodo, Drupal, Mambo, Wordpres
* Working with SVN Version Control
* Working with UNIX environments, Shell, Cron Jobs.
* Min 4 years experience
* Package Sallary interesting! Promised Career Growth!

Kirimkan lamaran anda ke :
recruitment@papataka.com or yudi.tukiaty@dmf.co.id

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