Informasi Lowongan Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Sipil,Accounting di PLTA PMA Korea

PLTA (PMA Korea) Looking for:

Mechanical or Electrical Engineer
- 3 year experience in power plant (hydroelectric)
- Experience in commisioning, constructing and project contro;
- Willing to be placed at site (Wampu) periodcally
- Flued in English (writing, reading and speaking)
- Placement: Karo, Brastagi, Sumatera Utara & Jakarta

Civil Engineer
- Male (Age: 35-45 year)
- Minimal education Bachelor degree in Civil

- Experience in hydro power plant construction especially in dam construction
- Placement: Karo, Brastagi, Sumatera Utara & Jakarta
- Fluently in English and MS Office
- All least 10-15 years experience in construction work

General Affair & Tax / Accounting
- Minimal Education Bachelor degree in Law or

Management, Accounting
- Placement in Jakarta
- All least 10 years experience

CV must be submitted in English, send to:
PO BOX 4580 JKTM 12700

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