Informasi Lowongan Drilling Supervisor di Balikpapan Juni 2010 PT Asiadrill Bara Utama

PT. Asiadrill Bara Utama (Asiadrill) is an exploration drilling company based in Indonesia. Our fleet of drilling equipment can be utilised to perform a wide variety of drilling functions. Asiadrill is part of the Minvest International Group, with sister drilling companies Belldale Enterprises (Belldale) and Madagascar Drilling SA (Madadrill) operating in Australia and Madagascar respectively.


Duties may include, but not be limited to:

- Providing full support to improve safety processes and drill productivity;
- Ensure all field operations are in compliance with company policies and procedures.
- Manage machine performance, minimize cost and rig downtime, whilst maximizing rig performance.
- Preparing operational reports.
- Training employees in drilling principles.
- Providing workplace discipline.


- Having at least 10 years working experience in drilling with 5 years in similar job.
- Competent technically with hands on experience and full understanding of rig equipment functions, capabilities and limitations and commissioning of new rigs.
- Strong analytical skills for troubleshooting problems on the rigs, mechanical failures, and down hole problems.
- Strong HSE background with safety leadership skills, coaching and mentoring skills, incident investigation skills, knowledge of most common HSE tools and skills.
- Strong in creating, enabling and managing relationships with the clients with full respect and trust to gain their continuous trust and credibility.
- Good personal skills and ability to interact with all level within the organization including clients and key suppliers.
- Excellent planning and coordination skills.
- Strong computer and English literacy.
- Experience in mining situations will be an advantage.

An attractive compensation and benefits package will be offered to the successful candidate.
Qualified candidates are invited to apply at:
or to :

PO BOX 423 Balikpapan
Not later than 5 June 2010
Only qualified candidates will be processed.

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