Vacancy Accounting Staff Oktober November 2011
Our Client, a Multinational Manufacturing Company, is Urgently Seeking Dynamic Professionals to Strengthen their Growing Team.
We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:
Accounting Staff
Main Requirements:
Female, max 27 years old
Minimum 2 – 5 Years experience in relevant field
Bachelor Degree or Diploma Degree from a recognized University or having a Tax Brevet Certification
Having good skill in interpersonal, and communication
Good knowledge in Accounting cycle and Tax (is a must)
Good knowledge in Excel program
Wiling to work within 2 weeks
Depending on experience and qualifications
Please Send your CV and Photograph
Now to
or call:
021 – 5279267 / 68
Lowongan Kerja Hotel Majapahit Surabaya
During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia the hotel name was changed to Yamato Hotel. The hotel was the site of the famous "Insiden Hotel Yamato" (in English "Hotel Yamato incident") in which young Indonesian revolutionaries tore the blue part of the Dutch flag flown in the hotel to change it to the Indonesian flag in the lead up to the Battle of Surabaya.
Tired of the same old routine? Looking for a new challenge? Looking to join a team dedicated to offering the very BEST service to our guest? Then come by the Hotel Majapahit for an application and same day interview for the following positions.
1. Duty Manager (Front Office)
2. Chief Steward (F & B)
3. Fitness Instructor (Health Club)
- Experience in the same field min. 2 – 5 years within reputable 4 or 5 star hotel
- Good command in English both written and oral
- Mature and dynamic person, good communication skill and kind personality
Please send a fully detailed application together with comprehensive curriculum vitae and recent photograph, attention to:
Jl. Tunjungan no. 65 SURABAYA
email: ( --- Update : Friday, October 28, 2011
For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive and ready to join in achieving that goal. In HR management, PT. Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principles of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business increased.
PDCA OFFICER - S1 MKT-DEV 31 Desember 2011
PURCHASER 1 - D3 PROC-PURC 30 November 2011
QT ENGINEER - S1 QT-ENG 30 November 2011
Every person at PT Astra Honda Motor valued in accordance with the achievements and potential, if you are a person who meets the desired qualifications, we are looking forward to welcoming you to join PT. Astra Honda Motor. Please apply at Lowongan Astra Honda Motor
PT Titan Petrokimia Nusantara
The candidate should have the following qualifications:
• Male/Female, Minimum Diploma (D3) of any major with GPA > 2.70
• Experiences in polymer sales is preferable, but fresh graduates are also welcome
• Computer literate and having good communication, interpersonal, analytical, planning, presentation and problem solving skills
• High energy, enthusiasm, confidence, self driven and a good team player
• Excellent in English (both spoken and written) and ability to communicate in Mandarin/Hokkien would be an advantage
Please submit your CV, latest photo (3x4) and academic transcript before October 31, 2011 to:
(put “SE” Code on your email subject)
Human Resources Development (HRD)
PT. TITAN Petrokimia Nusantara
Jl. Raya Merak Km. 116 – Merak Cilegon 42436 (
LOWONGAN KERJA BANK PT. Bank Mizuho Indonesia
As a member of Bills Department team, you will be responsible in trade finance area – handling import tax transactions such as, servicing customers over counter, confirming tax with tax office, preparing & registering advice for customers, verifying signatures in debit authority, inputting data entry as well as splitting and typing import documents.
Diploma or Bachelor degree in banking, accounting or other related discipline.
Experience in trade finance, teller or customer service in banking for 1-2 years.
Good in English, both spoken and written. (min. TOEIC score equiv. 600 or TOEFL of min. 500).
Good in administration and details.
Able to meet deadlines.
Strong team leadership.
High achievers (performance oriented).
Good in operating MS-Office (Word, Excel & Power Point).
Possess high sense of Risk Awareness, Compliance and Integrity.
As a member of Compliance Department, you will be responsible to support Compliance Department’s activities in administering information/publications of Laws and Regulations as well as or other inquiries information from Local Authorities. The job includes handle the administration of Compliance matters and reviewing regulations and the impact to Bank Mizuho Indonesia’s policies and procedures.
Experience in legal function for 1 year, preferably in banking industry.
Relevant bachelor degree, preferably in Legal.
Fluent in English, both spoken and written (min. TOEIC score equiv. 700 or TOEFL of min. 550).
Strong team leadership.
High achievers (performance oriented).
Good at writing reports, internal policies and procedures.
Good in operating MS-Office (Word, Excel & Power Point).
Qualified incumbents, please send your application letter, CV and a recent photograph via e-mail by quoting the job code in the email subject to:
Lowongan Kerja Kediri Jayapura, Balikpapan, Ambon, Bali
a Consumers good Manufacturing Company, is urgently seeking dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team. We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:
Urgently Required
Main Requirements:
· Male/ Female
· 25 – 35 years old
· Bachelor Degree / Diploma
· Minimum 1 – 5 years’ experience in related FMCG or Consumer Good, Manufacturing Company
· Good command of oral and written English
Salary: About Rp. 4 – 8 mio per month (Gross)
+ Benefits
Depending on experience and qualifications
Please Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile
Now to
or call :
021 – 5279267 / 68
20 Daerah di Sumut Dilarang Membuka Lowongan CPNS 2011
Kemarin (25/10) kebelumjelasan hal itu semakin mengemuka setelah Kapuspen Kemendagri, Reydonnyzar Moenek tidak berani memberikan jawaban kapan PP itu terbit. Padahal, sebelumnya dijanjikan PP terbit Oktober ini dan selanjutnya sebanyak 67 ribu tenaga honorer yang akan diverifikasi lagi, diangkat menjadi CPNS.
Reydonnyzar Moenek beralasan urusan itu lebih merupakan kewenangan Kemenpan-RB. Sementara, Wakil Menpan-RB Bidang Reformasi Birokrasi, Eko Prasojo, saat dihubungi Sumut Pos kemarin, belum sempat memberikan pernyataan lantaran sedang menerima tamu.
“Nanti kalau sudah selesai terima tamu, saya kasih tahu ya,” ujarnya. Hanya saja, hingga kemarin petang janji itu tidak direalisasikan Reydonnyzar menjelaskan, terlepas kapan tenaga honorer itu akan diangkat, pemerintah pusat berkomitmen moratorium penerimaan CPNS diterapkan secara tegas. Penerimaan CPNS dengan formasi terbatas yang dimulai tahun depan, hanya boleh dilakukan oleh Pemda dengan belanja pegawainya di bawah 50 persen dari APBD-nya. Sedang bagi yang belanja pegawainya diatas 50 persen, dilarang melakukan rekrutmen CPNS.
“Bagi 129 pemda yang belanja pegawainya di atas 50 persen, tidak akan ada formasi CPNS. Stop,” tegas Donny, panggilan Reydonnyzar, kepada Sumut Pos di ruang kerjanya.
Dari 129 pemda itu, 20 kabupaten/kota berasal dari Sumut. Khusus di Sumut, alokasi belanja pegawai di APBD 2011, tertinggi adalah Kabupaten Simalungun, yakni Rp756,304 miliar, atau mencapai 71,95 persen dari APBD-nya. Disusul Kota Padangsidimpuan dengan belanja pegawai Rp297, 595 miliar atau 69,89 persen.
Untuk Kota Medan, belanja pegawainya cukup tinggi, yakni Rp1,535 triliun. Namun, angka ini persentasenya ‘hanya’ mencapai 52,38 persen dari total APBD 2011, (lengkapnya lihat grafis). Sedang kabupaten/kota yang belanja pegawainya di bawah 50 persen, antara lain Kota Sibolga sebesar Rp194,842 miliar (48 persen), Labuhanbatu Utara Rp246,043 miliar (49,73 persen), dan Nias Selatan 47,25 persen.
Donny menjelaskan, belanja pegawai di banyak daerah membengkak juga disebabkan mereka masih terus-terusan menerima tenaga honorer. Padahal, sesuai PP Nomor 48 Tahun 2005, pemda sudah dilarang menerima honorer. “Akibatnya, anggaran belanja pegawai terus membengkak,” ujar Donny.
Nah, bagi daerah yang telanjur menerima tenaga honorer setelah terbitnya PP 48 itu, kata Donny, pemda harus menganggarkan uang honor mereka ke dalam belanja program dan kegiatan masing-masing Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD). “Jadi honorarium kegiatan, bukan belanja pegawai,” terang Donny, yang juga pakar pengelolaan keuangan itu.
Seperti diberitakan, EE Mangindaan saat masih menjabat sebagai Menpan-RB pada September 2011 lalu menjelaskan, dalam masa moratorium penerimaan CPNS, daerah harus melakukan penataan organisasi, termasuk menghitung kebutuhan pegawainya secara detil. Tugas ini harus sudah kelar akhir 2011.
Selanjutnya, Januari hingga Desember 2012, bagi daerah yang sudah selesai membuat data penataan PNS, sudah bisa melakukan penerimaan CPNS, dengan formasi terbatas. Dengan demikian, bagi daerah yang cepat menyelesaikan tugas itu, bisa melakukan penerimaan CPNS lebih cepat. Sebaliknya, yang lambat juga akan ketinggalan melakukan penerimaan ‘abdi negara’ itu. Formasinya pun dibatasi, tenaga guru, tenaga kesehatan, sipir, dan tenaga navigator penerbangan.
Lulusan perguruan tinggi kedinasan, seperti Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS), Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN), dan beberapa yang lain, juga tetap diangkat menjadi CPNS.
Satu syarat lagi yang sudah dituangkan dalam surat keputusan bersama tiga menteri yang mengatur moratorium CPNS, daerah yang bisa melakukan rekrutmen CPNS, hanyalah daerah yang belanja pegawainya di bawah 50 persen dari total anggaran APBD-nya. Sedang Pemprov Sumut belanja pegawainya 50,69 persen.
Sebelumnya kepada Sumut Pos, Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Pemprovsu Nurdin Lubis menuturkan mengenai pengangkatan tenaga honorer menjadi CPNS, sejauh ini belum ada surat resmi atau Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) yang diterima Pemprovsu, untuk menjalankan rencana tersebut. “Itu berdasarkan rapat di Kemenpan beberapa waktu lalu, yang mengatakan Bulan Oktober ini. Tapi, sampai saat ini belum ada surat resmi yang kita terima. Kita masih menunggu itu. Kalau sudah kita terima, akan segera dilaksanakan,” terangnya.
Sependapat dengan Nurdin, Pemkab Deli Serdang meski masih kekurangan PNS khusus tenaga pendidikan dan medis, tidak ada mengajukan permohonan peneriman CPNS untuk formasi tahun 2011. “Pengajuan formasi sudah diajukan beberapa tahun silam. Jadi Pemkab Deli Serdang sifatnya menunggu dari Kementerian Aparatur Negara (Menpan) apakah penerimaan CPNS dibuka atau tidak,” bilang Sekretaris Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Deli Serdang, Joni Ritawan, Jumat (14/10) lalu.
Pun, Pemko Tebingtinggi. Penerimaan CPNS untuk wilayah Pemerintahan Kota Tebingtinggi tahun 2011-2012 dipastikan tidak ada. “Penghentian sementara ( Moratorium) sesuai dengan Keputusan Presiden (Kepres), penerimaan CPNS dihentikan sampai tanggal 31 Desember 2012,” jelas Wakil Wali Kota Tebing Tinggi Irham Taufik.
Dilanjutkan Wakil Wali Kota, bahwa ada kemungkinan pada 2015 akan ada penerimaan CPNS kembali. “ Itupun dalam waktu yang tak ditentukan, kita di daerah menunggu petunjuk Pemerintah Pusat,” terang Irham.
Sementara di Binjai, penerimaan CPNS di Kota Binjai, untuk formasi 2012 mendatang, tampaknya belum dapat dipastikan. Setidaknya hal ini diungkapkan Kepala Bidang (Kabid) Mutasi Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kota Binjai, Bahrain. Dia menyebutkan, di Kota Binjai penerimaan CPNS tahun 2012 masih menunggu penghitungan seluruh jumlah PNS di Kabupaten/Kota. “Sebelum ada petunjuk dari Menpan, kita belum dapat memastikan. Apakah di Binjai ini ada atau tidak penerimaan CPNS,” ucap Bahrain.
Mirip dengan Binjai, Pemkab Langkat juga masih dalam tahapan pengkajian verifikasi kebutuhan penerimaan CPNS. Namun demikian, aturan main diberlakukan pemerintah tetap dikedepankan. “Kalau untuk sekarang ini, kita masih belum tahu apakah akan ada penerimaan CPNS sebagaimana dimaksud. Makanya, kita tidak dapat memberikan estimasi waktu sampai kapan diketahuinya ada atau tidak penerimaan CPNS. Namun, seperti kita sebutkan tadi semua aturan main diberlakukan akan dituruti,” kata Kabag Humas Pemkab Langkat, H Syahrizal di Stabat, kemarin. Ref:sam/ari/btr/mag-3/dan/mag-4/hariansumutpos
In order of business development and opening of new outlets in 2012, we will recruit employees for the position of :
SUPERVISOR (Pemasaran Pembiayaan, Pemasaran Dana & SCO, Collection & Remedial, Proses, Pelayanan, Operasional, Keuangan & Umum)
ASISTEN (Back Office / Frontliner / Pemasaran)
If you are interested, please apply to : Lowongan BNI Syariah
Vacancy Estimator Mechanical Krakatau Engineering Oktober November 2011
PT Krakatau Engineering was founded on October 12, 1988 as a wholly owned subsidiary company of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero). PT Krakatau Engineering serves and conducts either government or private projects in form of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract basis, industrial maintenance and also in consultancy service (Engineering, Study and Project Management).
Estimator Mechanical
* Bachelor Degree (S1) in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering
* Minimum GPA 2.75 of 4.00 scale
* Minimum 2 years experience as Estimator in EPC Company
Project Control
* Bachelor Degree (S1) in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering
* Minimum GPA 2.75 of 4.00 scale
* Mastering Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project/ Primavera
* Minimum 2 years experience as Project Control Engineer in EPC Company
General Requirements
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Willing to be placed in Cilegon Head Office and project sites
* Willing to be a contract employee
Send your application letter, CV, and your expected salary to: not later than November 12, 2011
Vacancy KPC Kaltim Oktober November 2011
PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sangatta East Kalimantan and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world.
Opportunity exists for a seasoned, high caliber, professional to join the Company with job Assignment in Sangatta-East Kalimantan for the positions of:
Geotechnical Engineer (Code GEO-E)
Kalimantan Timur
* Qualifications & Experience :
o Geotechnical / Engineering Geology or Mining Engineering or Civil Engineering graduate with 1 to 3 years in mining operation experience.
o Previous exploration experience would be advantage
o Basic knowledge and understanding of rock properties.
o Initiative in all aspects of the profession.
o General computers skills such as MS Windows, Excel & Word.
o Good interpersonal and communication skills (written & oral) in both bahasa Indonesia and English.
o Commitment to KPC safety and environment regulations.
o Working knowledge of geotechnical software is preferable.
* Key elements of the position include:
o Conduct pit slope stability analysis using available software.
o Understand and implement the procedures outline in the field procedural manual.
o Liaise with the drilling supervisor regarding execution of the Geotechnical drilling program.
o Gather field and laboratory data to be processed for further Geotechnical assessment work.
o Together with Mining Engineer and pit supervisor conducted regular pit inspection
o Ensure day by day the mining activity follow geotechnical recommendation and assist in planning further modification of the current pit design.
o Gathers geotechnical monitoring data; interpreted the result and inform to pit supervisor any indication of instability.
o Supervise geotechnical laboratory activity and ensure test procedure applied at all time.
o Maintain geotechnical database.
* Key elements of the position include:
o Conduct pit slope stability analysis using available software.
o Understand and implement the procedures outline in the field procedural manual.
o Liaise with the drilling supervisor regarding execution of the Geotechnical drilling program.
o Gather field and laboratory data to be processed for further Geotechnical assessment work.
o Together with Mining Engineer and pit supervisor conducted regular pit inspection
o Ensure day by day the mining activity follow geotechnical recommendation and assist in planning further modification of the current pit design.
o Gathers geotechnical monitoring data; interpreted the result and inform to pit supervisor any indication of instability.
o Supervise geotechnical laboratory activity and ensure test procedure applied at all time.
o Maintain geotechnical database.
If your background meets these requirements, forward your resume (including details of present positions & remuneration and your latest color photograph) no later than 10 days after the date of this advertisement to the following address:
Superintendent Recruitment
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
PO Box 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
Or E-mail :
Please indicate the position code in the email subject
Vacancy Bank Hana Treasury Settlement Supervisor Jakarta
PT Bank Hana, We are the global premier banking partner with Foreign Majority ownership and has a wold-wide network is seeking for a highly qualified person to fill the this position. Now we are granted as the Best Bank 2011 and opening some branches and heading for a quantum leap. If you are looking for the same, Join Us
Treasury Settlement Supervisor
Jakarta Raya,
* Expert in computer (Excell, Access)
* Ability to speask foreign language (english and korean) will be an advantage
* Female or Male, Maximum age 30 years old
* Posses minimum Bachelor degree S1 from Accounting/Finance
* Settle treasury transaction
* Coordinate BI report
Put the job code on the envelope. Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
Visit for more detail information about us.
Interested candidates should send their application letter with full CV including a recent photograph, full transcript and diploma by mail to:
Hana Bank, 2nd FL,
Jl Gatot Subroto Kav 21 JKT.
Lowongan Shipping Company Lulusan D3 ANT III Oktober 2011
We are National Shipping Company that operates of ships, tug / barges and
LCT seeks qualified professional candidates which able to work in our team:
A)Operation Section Head
• Male, maximum 40 years old
• Minimum ANT III or D3 degree, preferably of Management Sea
Transportation majors / Administration of Merchant Marine.
• Minimum 5 years working experience in the same field
• Proficient in oral and written English
• Computer literate
• Familiarly to operating system of ships, port and cargo (planning,
implementation, coordination and controlling)
• Familiarly to regulations and procedures of shipping and cargo handling
• Understanding on recruitment of crew, especially of deck department
• Self-motivated & high morale and able to work under pressure
• Willing to work on Saturdays & week on weekdays and holidays
B)Marketing Executive
• Male, 25-35 years old
• D3 having a good networking which minimum 2 years’ experience as
ship’s space marketing specialist
• Proficient in oral and written English
• Computer literate
• Able to well communicate and work in a team,
• Having strong negotiation skill and high level of customer service and
• Responsible, honest, warm friendly, target oriented and hardworking
• Have driver’s license and preferably have personal vehicle
If you are interested and meet the above requirements please submit your
details resume / CV and photograph in PDF or MS Word format to or before October 31, 2011
Only shortlisted applicants will be notified =
Hari Subijanto / HRD Manager +++
Lowongan Kerja ODP dan Teller Bank Mandiri Seluruh Indonesia
We’re sure that your presence in Bank Mandiri will give you an interesting chance to develop your career aspiration as a professional banker in Indonesia and be a part of the most admired and progressive financial institution.
Join us in our journey to become Indonesia’s most admired and progressive financial institution. An interesting chance to develop an exciting career awaits, for those who meet the following qualifications:
Officer Development Program (Jakarta)
A program designed for highly capable graduates, who aspire to become business leaders of tomorrow.
Requirements :
- S1/S2 degree in major in Economic, Engineering, Law, Agriculture, Social Science (International Relation, Communication, Business Administration), Psychology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics
- Minimum GPA for S1 : 3.00 and for S2 : 3.20
- Max age for S1 : 26 years old or for S2 : 28 years old
- Good communication skill in English
- Single
- Willing to be located across Indonesia
Teller & CSR (Diploma)
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan Minimal D3
- IPK Minimal 2.75
- Usia Maksimal 24.00 (Fresh graduate) & Maksimal 26.00 (Berpengalaman perbankan 2 th)
- Berpenampilan Menarik
Other Jobs available :
- Front Liners (FL)
- Relationship Manager (RM) Commercial Banking
- Supporting Staff
- Secretary
- Corporate Foreign Exchange (FX) Marketing
For Apply :
Hasil Seleksi Administrasi Rekrutmen Pegawai PTPN VII Tahun 2011
Pengumuman Bagi Peserta Lolos Seleksi Administrasi
Seleksi Calon Karyawan PTP Nusantara VII (Persero)
1. Tes Tahap I (Tes Tertulis Psikologi dan Tes Tertulis Bidang Studi) akan dilaksanakan di dua lokasi yaitu Lampung dan Yogyakarta, dengan jadwal sebagai berikut:
a. Lampung
- Hari, Tanggal : Selasa – Jumat, 1 – 4 November 2011 (Setiap peserta wajib mencermati jadwal dan ruang tes masing-masing)
- Pukul : 07.30 - selesai
- Lokasi Tes : Hotel Nusantara (Ruang Graha Nusantara, Ruang Cempaka, Ruang Bougenville), Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No.50 Bandar Lampung
- Telp. (0721)781555. Fax.(0721)709995.
b. Yogyakarta
- Hari, Tanggal : Selasa – Kamis, 8 – 10 November 2011 (Setiap peserta wajib mencermati jadwal dan ruang tes masing-masing)
- Pukul : 07.30 - selesai
- Lokasi Tes : Auditorium LPP Kampus LPP Yogyakarta, Jl. Urip Sumoharjo no. 100 Yogyakarta dan Convention Hall Lantai 4 Kantor Pusat LPP, Jl. LPP No. 1 Yogyakarta
2. Pada saat Tes Tahap I, peserta wajib membawa Kartu Identitas Asli (KTP/SIM yang masih berlaku), 1 lembar pasfoto 4×6 , pensil 2B, dan alat tulis.
3. Peserta wajib hadir 15 menit sebelumnya karena tes akan dimulai tepat waktu, tidak ada toleransi untuk keterlambatan dengan alasan apapun.
4. Segala bentuk keterlambatan dan ketidakhadiran yang diakibatkan oleh kesalahan peserta dalam melihat jadwal maupun karena alasan lainnya, otomatis menyebabkan peserta kehilangan kesempatan untuk mengikuti tes dan tidak bisa mengikuti tes di kelas yang lain, dan dinyatakan gugur.
5. Pengumuman hasil tes tiap tahap dapat dilihat melalui website LPP:
6. Keputusan panitia berlaku mutlak, panitia tidak melayani surat menyurat (termasuk melalui faksimil atau email) serta telepon yang berkaitan dengan hasil tes.
File yang dibutuhkan :
- Surat Panggilan Tes Tahap I
- Daftar Peserta Tes Tahap I
- Pengumuman untuk Peserta Tes Tahap I
- Denah Lokasi Tes di Bandar Lampung
- Denah Lokasi Tes di Yogyakarta
More info :
Lowongan Kerja AAO, BDP dan Pemagangan Bakti BCA Tahun 2011
PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk sebagai bank swasta terbesar di Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 20 ribu karyawan serta lebih dari 800 cabang yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan 2 kantor perwakilan di luar negeri, yaitu di Hongkong dan Singapura.
Dengan keunggulan BCA sebagai bank transaksional yang menawarkan rangkaian jasa perbankan yang luas untuk memenuhi beragam kebutuhan para nasabah, BCA telah mendapatkan pengakuan, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, melalui pencapaian berbagai Prestasi dan Reputasi.
Lowongan Kerja BCA Tahun 2011
Persyaratan :
- Sarjana Strata 1 dengan Indeks prestasi minimal 2.75 (skala 4.00)
- Usia maks 25 tahun (pada saat mengikuti pelatihan)
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Bersedia ditempatkan di sekitar wilayah kota seleksi (berdasarkan perjanjian saat perekrutan)
Kualifikasi :
- Sarjana Strata 1 atau Strata 2 dari Universitas terkemuka.
- Indeks Prestasi minimal 3.00 untuk Strata 1 dan 3.25 untuk Strata 2 (pada skala 4.00)
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun untuk Strata 1 dan 27 tahun untuk Strata 2
- Komunikasi yang sistematis
- Motivasi tinggi
- Daya analisa yang tinggi.
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Bebas NARKOBA.
- Belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama pendidikan.
- Bersedia ditugaskan dan ditempatkan di cabang-cabang BCA diseluruh wilayah Indonesia sesuai kebutuhan BCA.
- Bersedia menjalani pendidikan dan ikatan dinas setelah pendidikan.
- Lulus dalam seleksi.
Pada surat lamaran mohon melampirkan :
- Curriculum Vitae
- Foto 4 X 6 terbaru yang berwarna
- Foto copy KTP
- Foto copy ijazah / Surat Keterangan Lulus
- Foto copy transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir
Kualifikasi :
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Pria / Wanita berpenampilan menarik
- Lulusan SMU/SMK (nilai rata-rata Rapor min. 6,50)
- D1-D3 dan S1 (IPK min. 2,50)
- Usia 18 s/d 25 tahun
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani
- Ramah, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Tidak pernah terlibat NARKOBA dan pelanggaran hukum lainnya
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang BCA di wilayah kota seleksi
- Lulus seleksi
- Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama proses magang
Pada surat lamaran mohon melampirkan :
- Foto 4 X 6 terbaru yang berwarna
- Foto copy KTP
- Curiculum vitae
- Foto copy ijazah / Surat Keterangan Lulus
- Foto copy transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir (D1 – D3 dan S1)
- Foto copy Raport kelas 3 (SMU/SMK)
Untuk melamar, silakan menuju laman :
Lowongan Kerja Chevron Corporation Oktober 2011
Chevron Corporation is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide. The company’s success is driven by the ingenuity and commitment of approximately 62,000 employees who operate across the energy spectrum. Chevron explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and other energy products; manufactures and sells petrochemical products; generates power and produces geothermal energy; provides energy efficiency solutions; and develops the energy resources of the future, including biofuels and other renewables. Chevron is based in San Ramon, California.
Our business has grown rapidly over the past year and will continue to grow even more through the competitiveness and synergy brought in after the Unocal merger. To serve our business growth needs, we’re seeking talented people from diverse disciplines and with different levels of expertise to join our team.
Chevron’s talented and committed employees are the reason for the company’s outstanding performance. Our business in Indonesia has over 7000 employees, 98 percent of whom are nationals. Their jobs can be categorized into two positions: Engineering and Non Engineering. Depending on the needs year by year, the career opportunities posted may vary.
We offer career opportunities to new graduates and experienced professionals with varied levels of education.
Chevron is a world-class oil and gas producer in Indonesia that values integrity, trust, diversity and ingenuity. This reflects in how we recruit only high caliber candidates who share these same company values.
Chevron Job Vacancies
Experience Drilling Engineer
- Offshore D&C Experienced Required Deepwater D&C experience a plus.
- ?Candidate should have at least 10 years Drilling and Completion related experience with actual onsite & offsite field experience (supervision preferred).
- Have significant experience in increasing responsibility on the supervision of drilling rig operations.
- Able to analyze, supervise, and conduct specific drilling operations in accordance with well programs and accepted procedure.
- Fluent with general drilling engineering principles and well control theory and practice.
- Strong knowledge with procurement of supplies and services needed to support drilling programs.
- Diligently direct and analyze results of job assignments, familiar with investigate job effectiveness.
- Demonstrate financial acumen, differentiate performance, reward, recognize, and uses consequences.
- Strong in ensuring quality results, mentors others.
- Educational requirement: S1 Degree (S2/Mater Degree will be an advantage).
- ?Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau).
- Have a good leadership and communication, both in Bahasa or English.
- Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization.
- Strong in seeking learning activities.
- Able to establish effective relationships with people of other culture and backgrounds
- Educational Requirement: S1 / D4 Degree
- Education Discipline : Petroleum Engineer, Mechanical Engineer or Chemical Engineer
- GPA min. : 2.75
- Work Location : Jakarta.
Other jobs available :
- DRILLING ENGINEER (Ext-46/TCL/EXP/CICO/DW/2011) For S1 / D4 (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering)
- GEOPHYSICIST SEISMIC (Ext-48/TCL/EXP/CICO/EXPL/2011) For S1 / D4 (Geology, Geophysics, Physic)
- Jr. Construction Representative (Ext-114/FE/EXP/ALL/SLO/2011) For D3 (Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power), Instrumentation, Mechanical Engineering)
- Construction Representative (Ext-115/CL/EXP/ALL/SMOLO/2011) For D3 (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
- Cost Controller (Ext-144/TCL/EXP/ALL/OTH/2011) For S1 / D4 (All Engineering)
- Engineer – Feed (Ext-147/TCL/EXP/ALL/DW/2011) For S1 / D4 (All Engineering)
- Facility Engineer – Mechanical (Ext-148/TCL/EXP/ALL/GEOT/2011) For S1 / D4 (Mechanical Engineering)
- TEAM MANAGER PLANT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE (Ext-150/TCL/EXP/CGI/GEOT/2011) For S1 / D4 (Electrical Engineering (Power), Instrumentation, Mechanical Engineering)
- IT Engineer (Ext-27/TCL/EXP/CGI/PLANNING/) For S1 / D4 (Computer Engineering/Science, Informatics Engineering)
For more information and how to apply, Please directly go into our website at :
Lowongan Kerja Guru IT SMA Stella Maris Surabaya
* S1 Teknik Informatika
* IPK minimal 3,00
* Pria/Wanita
* Usia max. 28 Th
* Disiplin dalam tugas, sehat jasmani dan rohani
Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada:
Kepala SMAK Stella Maris
Jl. Indrapura 32 Surabaya
Sebagai salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia, PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk mengundang profesional muda untuk mengembangkan karir dan memiliki kemauan untuk sukses dengan bergabung menjadi salah satu bagian dari Kami
Relationship Manager Commercial Banking
Uraian Jabatan :
Mencari nasabah Lending sesuai dengan target yang ditetapkan
Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan nasabah dan menawarkan produk yang dapat memenuhi keperluan nasabah, dengan mempertimbangkan kebijaksanaan internal Bank CIMB Niaga
Melakukan semua aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan proses lending, mulai dari menyiapkan laporan kunjungan, mendapatkan persetujuan pinjaman, merespon hal yang dikemukakan oleh bagian Credit reviewer dan menyiapkan semua dokumen yang berkaitan dengan penandatanganan kredit.
Kualifikasi :
Memiliki pengalaman min 3 thn di bidang perbankan dan yang berhubungan dengan perusahaan Finance
Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik, secara lisan maupun tulisan
Pendidikan min S1 di bidang Finance / Accounting / ekonomi dan management
Usia Max 37 Tahun.
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negoisasi yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan pemasaran yang baik serta memiliki networking yang luas.
Berpengalaman sebagai Account Officer/Relationship Manager / Relationship Officer Commercial Banking / Small Medium
Bekerja dengan target yang ketat
Mohon mengirimkan surat lamaran,cv (dengan foto) max 1mb melalui email kami :
Bisa juga melalui pos dengan alamat kantor kami :
Menara CIMB Niaga lantai 16
Jl. Boulevard Diponegoro No.101
Tangerang 15810
LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU PT Titan Petrokimia Nusantara
The candidate should have the following qualifications:
• Male/Female, Minimum Diploma (D3) of any major with GPA > 2.70
• Experiences in polymer sales is preferable, but fresh graduates are also welcome
• Computer literate and having good communication, interpersonal, analytical, planning, presentation and problem solving skills
• High energy, enthusiasm, confidence, self driven and a good team player
• Excellent in English (both spoken and written) and ability to communicate in Mandarin/Hokkien would be an advantage
Please submit your CV, latest photo (3x4) and academic transcript before October 31, 2011 to:
(put “SE” Code on your email subject)
Human Resources Development (HRD)
PT. TITAN Petrokimia Nusantara
Jl. Raya Merak Km. 116 – Merak Cilegon 42436 (
Man City Bantai MU 6-1 di Old Trafford

Laga di Old Trafford, Minggu (23/10/2011) berjalan ketat pada menit-menit awal. Kedua tim kesulitan untuk membongkar pertahanan lawan dan menciptakan peluang-peluang berbahaya.
Namun, situasi berubah setelah Balotelli memecah kebuntuan pada menit ke-22. Tempo pertandingan langsung meningkat dan permainan terbuka di antara kedua tim tersaji.
Diusirnya Jonny Evans pada awal babak kedua jadi awal petaka buat MU. Kalah jumlah pemain membuat pertahanan mereka rapuh dan mudah ditembus.
City menambah empat gol pada babak kedua, masing-masing lewat Balotelli, Sergio Aguero, dua gol Edin Dzeko, dan David Dilva. Satu gol hiburan MU dibuat Darren Fletcher.
Kemenangan telak ini memantapkan posisi City di puncak klasemen Liga Primer Inggris dengan 25 poin dari sembilan laga. Mereka unggul lima poin atas MU yang ada di peringkat kedua.detiksport
Lowongan Dosen UAJY Yogyakarta November 2011
Saat ini UAJY memiliki 6 fakultas dengan 11 program studi S-1 dan 5 program S-2, termasuk 4 program studi S-1 kelas internasional dengan jumlah mahasiswa ± 11.307 orang; serta didukung 7 Guru Besar, 25 Doktor, 222 Master, dan 29 Sarjana sebagai pengajar tetap. Di samping itu UAJY juga didukung oleh dosen luar biasa dari para ahli maupun praktisi menurut bidangnya, dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Semua program studi S-1 telah terakreditasi, untuk program S-2, tiga program studi (Magister Manajemen, Magister Teknik Sipil, dan Magister Ilmu Hukum) telah terakreditasi, sedangkan Magister Teknik Informatika dan Magister Teknik Arsitektur sudah mendapatkan ijin operasional.
Lowongan Dosen UAJY Tahun 2011
- Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi
- Dosen Teknik Informastika
- Dosen Manajemen
- Dosen Akuntansi
- Dosen Arsitektur
Download Pengumuman Lengkap :
LOWONGAN KERJA S1 Accounting PT. BANK DANAMON Oktober 2011
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 52, lt. 4 Jakarta
We Are Proud To Be the Employer of Choice
You will be responsible to represent the company and generate sales as well as hold overall accountability to maintain close productive relationships with the existing clients. This position is also expected to create business as you identify clients’ needs utilizing your profound banking products, regulations, process and operations know-how. All this, will be learnt through a comprehensive three-weeks Program, specifically designed to build professional bankers.
Commercial Funding Officer Program
Reporting to the Business Manager, you will be expected to:
* Generate sales volume by maintain closed relationship to the existing Commercial customers, as well as nurturing a novel one by developing networks of professionals;
* Understand business key drivers and market dynamics to contribute to the business profitability; and
* Liaise with other function and business units to identify the proposal requirements, data and analysis to help support the business.
* Degree holder in Accounting, Management Marketing, Business Administration, Engineering or related disciplines –preferable from prominent university;
* Minimum 1 year of relevant experience from any industry with knowledge of sales and marketing (and Investment Products) is much more esteemed;
* Effective communication and people skills;
* Energetic, self driven, self motivated, and result-oriented;
* Flexible and easy-to-mingle to broaden channels amongst business communities
A competitive salary will be offered commensurate with excellent personal record and experience. For confidentiality and priority attention on your application, we invite you to submit your resume (not more than 2mb) with recent photograph to:
or to this address:
HR Region Jakarta
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 52, lt. 4
UP: Mrs. Titi Sitihajar
This application is closed on November 30, 2011.
Lowongan Kerja BNI Syariah Seluruh Indonesia Oktober 2011
Sebagai Bank Syariah yang baru memisahkan diri dari induknya (Spin Off) per tanggal 19 Juni 2010, SDM BNI Syariah berusaha memberikan kinerja dan layanan yang terbaik kepada para stake holdernya. Dengan jumlah 27 Cabang dan 31 Kantor Cabang Pembantu dan 15 Divisi pada Kantor Pusat, BNI Syariah dikelola dengan jumlah pegawai sebanyak 749 orang per Juni 2010, saat ini (Nopember 2010) pegawainya telah bertambah menjadi 880 yang akan terus tumbuh sesuai dengan perkembangan bisnis BNI Syariah.
Dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dan mendorong kinerja pegawai, selain diberikan pelatihan pegawai juga diberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan On the job training yang lebih banyak memberikan kesempatan pengembangan secara menyeluruh. Komposisi demografi pegawai BNI Syariah saat ini 95% adalah tenaga-tenaga muda yang sangat produktif.
Untuk keselarasan dalam pengembangan mental spiritual, kami rutin melaksanakan siraman rohani mingguan yang dilakukan disetiap unit baik Kantor Pusat maupun Kantor Cabang. Selain itu rutinitas morning briefing juga dilakukan sebelum bekerja yang diakhiri dengan doa bersama. Satu hal lagi yang akan terus dipertahankan adalah kegiatan berjamaah dalam melaksanakan Sholat Fardhu baik saat waktu kerja maupun diluar waktu kerja. Hal ini akan terus kami kembangkan sebagai spirit kami dalam bekerja dan beribadah yaitu implementasi dari Amanah dan Jamaah sebagai budaya kerja BNI Syariah.
Lowongan Kerja BNI Syariah Akhir Oktober 2011
- —> klik bagian karir
Harap bersabar, sepertinya belum diupload datanya…!
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Askes Oktober 2011
PT Askes (Persero) merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang ditugaskan khusus oleh pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan jaminan pemeliharaan kesehatan bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Penerima Pensiun PNS dan TNI/POLRI, Veteran, Perintis Kemerdekaan beserta keluarganya dan Badan Usaha lainnya
Lowongan Kerja Sekretaris (Kode SKR)
Pendidikan D3 Sekretaris
Lowongan Kerja Tenaga Pengalaman Pertamina (Exp : 13 November 2011)
Lowongan Kerja Tenaga Pengalaman Pertamina Oktober November 2011
- Senior Analyst, Organization-Human Resource
- Senior Analyst, Competency Development-Human Resource
- Analyst, Manpower & Career Planning-Human Resource
- Ast. Market Review-Human Resource
- Ast. Proficiency Program Sales-Human Resource
- PM & CM Planner-Refinery
- RE Engineer Non Process Area-Refinery
- System SAP (MMNH) Expert-Refinery
- Assistant CNG Infrastructure-Gas
- Assistant Business Control-Gas
- Assistant Manager Planning & Control-Gas
- Plant Operation & Control-Gas
- Assistant Civil & Structure-Gas
- Assistant Operation LNG Shipping-Gas
- Assistant Electrical-Gas
- Assistant Process-Gas
- Assistant Marketing Area I-Gas
- Assistant Instrument & Control-Gas
- Assistant Manager General Engineering-Gas
- Senior Analyst Culture Change Implementation
Bagi yang berminat dan penasaran dengan persyaratan yang dibutuhkan, Silakan melakukan pendaftaran melalui laman :
Info Lomba Desain Grafis UKM ITC MIPA Universitas Jendral Soedirman Tahun 2011
UKM ITC MIPA Fakultas Sains & Teknik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman akan menyelenggarakan Lomba Desain Grafis Tingkat SMA/SMK/MA yang akan diselenggarakan pada :
Hari / Tanggal : Sabtu-Minggu / 19 – 20 November 2011
Tempat : Kampus MIPA FST UNSOED
Komplek UNSOED
Karangwangkal Purwokerto
Adapun ketentun peserta adalah sebagai berikut :
- Peserta adalah siswa SMA, SMK, dan MA Se- BarLingMasCaKeb(Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, dan Kebumen) kelas X, XI, dan XII.
- Setiap sekolah diperkenankan mengirim siswa-siswi delegasinya minimal 1 peserta.
- Peserta yang mengikuti LOMBA DESAIN GRAFIS merupakan delegasi dari sekolah dan bukan atas nama pribadi.
- Peserta mengikuti kegiatan dengan mengenakan pakaian seragam sekolah OSIS.
- Satu Sekolah hanya boleh didampingi oleh satu pendamping.
- Setiap peserta datang ke tempat pelaksanaan lomba tepat waktu dan mengikuti segala peraturan yang dibuat oleh panitia.
Tahapan Lomba:
Tahap awal
- Peserta diwajibkan membuat desain dalam dua bentuk (hardcopy dan softcopy) ditempat masing-masing dengan mengusung salah satu tema diantara tema berikut : “Kebudayaan”, “Iklan Sosial”, dan “Pendidikan”.
- Kemudian desain dalam dua bentuk (hardcopy dan softcopy) tersebut dikumpulkan pada saat registrasi pada tanggal 19 November 2011 sebelum melanjutkan tahap praktikum. Hardcopy dicetak di kertas ukuran A4. Softcopy di bawa dalam bentuk CD yang isinya file .cdr atau .psd.
Tahap I (Tahap Praktikum) – 19 November 2011
- Semua peserta akan melakukan tahap praktikum. Peserta akan membuat desain sendiri secara langsung di Kampus MIPA dengan tema desain yang telah panitia tentukan.
Tahap II (tahap Tertulis) – 20 November 2011
- Semua peserta mengerjakan soal-soal dengan materi Desain grafis 20 soal, CorelDRAW 40 soal dan Adobe Photoshop 40 soal.
Bagi yang berminat, silakan kunjungi laman :
LOWONGAN KERJA Farmasi Solo, Jakarta & Bandung Oktober 2011
Jl. Dr. Rajiman No. 296
Solo – 57141
We are PT. GRAHA FARMA a Pharmaceutical Company
Established in 1988, PT. Graha Farma® . or well-known as PT. Graha Farma is a developing pharmaceutical industry. For almost two decades we have succeeded in widening distribution network throughout Indonesia. Our products can be found nation wide. The investment of human resources, of course plays an essential role in determine the achievement of the target and idea of our company.
We are looking for individuals with pleasant personality qualified and highly motivated candidates for the following position :
PHARMACIST (Solo, Jakarta & Bandung)
* Male/Female max. 30 years old
* Apothecary
* A minimum GPA of 3.00
* High motivation and hardworking
* Able to work in team
* Having STRA
* Placement: Solo, Jakarta and Bandung
Please send your complete resume & recent photograph and stating position code on right hand corner of envelope to:
Jl. Dr. Rajiman No. 296
Solo – 5714
Or Email :
Jl. Berbek Industri VII No.1, Waru – Sidoarjo 61256
Fillomatic Global Industries, PT. under management of FG Group of Companies is the world first in implementing robotics bottling system provider.
By our rapid growing and expansion, we invite you to join our prestigious team as:
* University Degree (S1) majoring in Psychology / Law / Management from reputable university, With Min. 2.80
* Male, maximum age of 40 years old
* Good knowledge in HR concept and practical
* Experienced at least 3 years in the same position in Manufacturing industries is required
* Conversant with assessment tools, training need analysis, and competency based human resource management, payroll and HR Administration
* Proficiency with Window-based computer software, including database and HR System
* Detail oriented, dynamic and highly motivated individual who is able to work independently as well as in a team
* Mature, outgoing personality, flexible without ignoring guidance, initiative & persuasive, and willing to learn, strong development thinking, interpersonal skill, and communicational skill
* Willing to travel for domestic and overseas when needed
* Based in Headquarter Office – Surabaya – Indonesia
If you are the right person that meet up to our requirements, please send your complete application, telephone numbers, expected salary, academic results, and a recent photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks from this advertisement to:
HR Recruitment Centre
Jl. Berbek Industri VII No.1, Waru – Sidoarjo 61256
or send it by email, or
Only short listed candidates will be notified
LOWONGAN KERJA D3 Teknik Mojokerto PT. Branita Sandhini Oktober 2011
Jl.Raya Pacing Dlanggu
Desa Sumberwono, Bangsal
Mojokerto – Jawa timur (61381)
Producing more, Conserving more, Improving lives . This is sustainable agriculture and it’s what we do
Monsanto is one of the world’s leading providers of agricultural products and integrated solution to farmers across six continents and is also a pioneer in cutting edge agricultural biotechnology. We have been in Indonesia for more than 25 years and currently produce and sell Dekalb Hybrid corn seed and Round Up herbicide. We at Monsanto strongly believe that our people are our greatest assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit, develop and retain the best talents.
Following our business growth, we are seeking the individual for a challenging position as below :
Plant Officer (Mojokerto Seed Plant)
* To execute and support all the plant operation requirements to meet the plan timely, qualitatively & budgetary.
* To make sure that all operation will meet to the ESH requirement.
* Take initiative to make any improvement that related to the quality, process and the safety.
* Supervised and lead seasonal employee and take responsibility of safety in the assigned area.
* Supervised seasonal employee and take responsibility of 5S in the assigned area.
* Coordinate the manpower , Shift , OT planning , budgetary , monitoring and control.
* Make Improvement – initiate, contribute and implement the project.
* Make sure ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 are implemented well and comply on the workplace.
* Responsible for the all effective seeds drying and processing operation & management.
* Make sure all reporting done timely.
* Monitor the effective machines operating and arrange the self maintenance with the team.
General Requirements :
* Min. Diploma degree of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical or other related field).
* At least 2 years of working experiences in the related field of multinational companies and possesses good inter-personal and communication to the team.
* “Can do” attitude, have strong in the leadership, result oriented and team player.
* Fluent in English (writing and reading) will be advantage.
If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with attractive & competitive remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:
Jl.Raya Pacing Dlanggu
Desa Sumberwono, Bangsal
Mojokerto – Jawa timur (61381)
email to :
Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualification will be notified
VIDEO Tewasnya Simoncelli di Sirkuit Sepang

Seperti dilansir Reuters, pebalap Gresini Honda itu terjatuh ketika beradu kencang dengan Alvaro Bautista untuk memperebutkan posisi ke empat.
Simoncelli yang berjuluk Super Sic itu kehilangan kendali di tikungan 11 dan langsung terhempas. Benturan pun terjadi dengan pebalap Yamaha Tech 3 Colin Edwards, dan pebalap Ducati Valentino Rossi. Namun, Rossi berhasil menghindari tabrakan itu.
Panitia balapan langsung mengibarkan bendera merah tanda balapan dihentikan. Bahkan, setalah beberapa lama mereka resmi membatalkan perhelatan tersebut dengan alasan tim medis masih fokus menangani Simoncelli.ref:vivanews
Lihat videonya, klik tautan ini.
Pembalap MotoGP Marco Simoncelli Meninggal di Sirkuit Sepang
ref : video.vivanews
Laporan dari Sepang : Marco Simoncelli Meninggal

Sesaat setelah kecelakaan yang menimpanya, kru Gresini Honda tampak pucat dan ada yang mengatakan kepada detikSport, "Kondisi Simoncelli sama sekali tidak bagus."
Namun, Dari informasi yang didapat detikSport di Sirkuit Sepang, Minggu (23/10/2011), Simoncelli tewas pada pukul 16.56 waktu setempat.
Sementara ini masih menunggu konfirmasi resmi dari pihak MotoGP yang rencananya akan menggelar konperensi pers sesaat lagi.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, kecelakaan tersebut terjadi ketika motor Simoncelli tergelincir miring ketika tengah menikung pada lap kedua.
Sial bagi Simoncelli, ia terjatuh di tengah lintasan. Imbasnya, ia dihantam Colin Edwards dan Valentino Rossi yang tengah melaju di belakangnya. Red flag pun dikibarkan dan balapan dihentikan.ref:detiksport
Kirim SMS Komodo 9818 Takkan Sedot Pulsa

"Jangan khawatir, kirim SMS Komodo ke 9818 tak akan menyedot pulsa Anda, malah sejak 15 Oktober lalu, pengirimnya digratiskan," kata Husain Abdullah, penggagas Relawan 7K di Makassar, beberapa waktu lalu.
Husain yang juga direktur CelebesTV ini mengemukakan, SMS premium yang tarifnya Rp 2.000 per sekali kirim, justru tak berlaku di SMS dukungan komodo jadi habitat dunia.
Bahkan, disebutkan inilah kali pertama SMS premium di semua operator hanya dikenakan tarif Rp 1 bahkan digratiskan.
Sejak dua pekan lalu, Ketua PMI Jusuf Kalla gencar mengkampanyekan dan minta dukungan warga Indonesia ke Pulau Komodo untuk menjadi habitat dunia.
Telkomsel secara khusus mengirim Value Added Service (VAS) SMS ke pelanggannya di Indonesia baik Kartu Halo, SimPATI, dan AS dengan pesan "Dukung Komodo Jadi Bagian 7 Keajaiban Dunia. Ketik KOMODO kirim ke 9818, tarif Rp 1. Info lengkap hub 111/116 atau"
Di Makassar, relawan 7K pagi tadi berkeliling kota dan ikut membagikan brosur berisi ajakan mendukung komodo di Pantai Losari. Gerakan serupa diikuti dengan talkshow ke sejumlah TV, media cetak dan radio serta pesan berantai di situs jejaring sosial.
"Kami juga akan masuk ke kampus, kampus menyebarkan ajakan ini," kata Rahman Abdulrahman, salah seorang relawan 7K. ref : tribunnews
Lowongan Pekerjaan Perkebunan Medco Agro sebagai Management Trainee
1. MT Estate/ Kebun (01)
2. MT Mill / Pabrik (02)
3. MT Finance / Accounting (03)
4. MT Corporate Social Responsibility / Community Development (04)
5. MT Human Resources & General Services (05)
* Pendidikan S1, IPK Min 2,75 (MT Estate: Pertanian/Perkebunan ; MT Mill: Teknik Mesin/Industri/Elektro ; MT Fin/Acct: Akuntansi ; MT CSR & HRGS: Semua Jurusan)
* Pria/Wanita, Single, berusia max. 26 tahun
* Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan selama 12 bulan
* Bersedia mengikuti masa ikatan dinas & tidak menikah selama masa pendidikan & Ikatan dinas
* Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah operasi perusahaan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
* Tempat seleksi: Medan (Mdn), Makassar (Mks), Papua (Pap), Malang (Mlg), Surabaya (Sby), Semarang (Smg) & Pontianak (Ptk)
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dan cantumkan di sisi kanan atas amplop kode posisi & kode tempat seleksi (cont: MT Estate tempat seleksi Medan = 01-Mdn) ke:
HR Employment
PT. Api Metra Palma
The Energy Building 20th Fl. SCBD Lot 11A Kav. 52-53
Jakarta Pusat 12190
Lowongan Sales Supervisor, Staff Pembelian, Akuntansi, Supervisor Gudang di PT Wavin Duta Jaya
Perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi Pipa & Fitting PVC, PE dan PP-R membutuhkan :
Sales Account Supervisor
1. D3 / S1 Teknik /Manajemen.
2. Menguasai sistem keagenan dan distribusi ke toko-toko.
3. Berpengalaman 3 tahun menjual bahan bangunan atau consumer goods.
4. Bersedia dinas ke luar kota
5. Penempatan di Jakarta
Purchasing Staff
1. S1 Teknik Industri
2. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan)
3. Fresh Graduate
4. Penempatan di Cibitung
Industrial Relation Administration
1. S1 Manajemen/Hukum
2. Mengetahui UU ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia
3. Menguasai aturan-aturan keimigrasian (lebih diutamakan)
4. Menguasai prinsip-prinsip administrasi dengan baik
5. Menguasai komputer (Microsoft Office)
6. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
7. Penempatan di Cibitung
Cost Accounting Staff
1. D3/SI Accounting
2. Mempunyai pengetahuan cost accounting
3. Bersedia melakukan kegiatan stock opname di lapangan.
4. Memahami prinsip-prinsip akuntasi Indonesia yang berlaku.
5. Disiplin, teliti, ulet dan bertanggung jawab dan dapat bekerja sama.
6. Diutamakan berpengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
7. Penempatan di Cibitung
Warehouse Supervisor
1. S1 Manajemen / Teknik
2. Menguasai Warehouse Management
3. Menguasai sistem FIFO
4. Menguasai Supply Chain Management
5. Menguasai sistem stock opname barang
6. Berpengalaman minimal 4 tahun pada bidang yang sama
7. Penempatan di Karawang
Kirimkan lamaran anda beserta CV, fotocopy KTP, Ijazah terakhir, surat referensi dari perusahaan sebelumnya serta photo terakhir 4 x 6 ke :
HRD Division
Jl. Raya Imam Bonjol Km 26.2
Cibitung-Bekasi 17520
Lowongan Garuda Indonesia Sampai Desember 2011
Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia Akhir Tahun 2011, siapa mau ikut ?
Banyak posisi, diantaranya :
- IT Auditor (Exp: 20 December 2011)
- Safety Analyst (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- Passenger / Operation Service Assurance (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- System & Procedure Analyst (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- Training Analyst (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- Customer Relation Analyst (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- Customer Loyalty Program Analyst (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- Travel Officer (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- Financial Accounting Analyst (Exp: 20 November 2011)
- Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (Exp: 27 October 2011)
- Pilot Recruitment For Boeing 737-Series Aircraft (Exp: 31 December 2011)
Bagi yang berminat silakan melakukan pendaftaran online melalui :
Lowongan Kerja Wavin Duta Jaya
1. Sales Account Supervisor
• D3 / S1 Engineering / Management.
• Mastering the agency system and distribution to stores.
• 3 years experience selling building materials or consumer goods.
• Willing to be out of town
• Placement in Jakarta
2. Purchasing Staff
• S1 Industrial Engineering
• Able to communicate in English (oral & written)
• Fresh Graduate
• Placement in Cibitung
3. Industrial Relations Staff
• S1 Management / Law
• Knowing the labor laws in Indonesia.
• Mastering the immigration rules (preferably)
• Master the principles of good administration
• Mastering the computer (Microsoft Office)
• Have at least 1 year work experience
• Placement in Cibitung
4. Cost Accounting Staff
• Accounting D3/SI
• Have knowledge of cost accounting
• Willing to conduct inventory taking activities in the field.
• Understand the principles applicable accounting Indonesia.
• Discipline, conscientious, hard working and responsible and able to work together.
• Preferred minimum 1 year working experience
• Placement in Cibitung
5. Warehouse Supervisor
• S1 Management / Engineering
• Mastering the Warehouse Management
• Mastering the FIFO system
• Mastering the Supply Chain Management
• Mastering goods inventory taking system
• Minimum 4 years in the same plane
• Placement in Falkirk
6. Staff Compensation
• D3 / S1 Computer Science / Management / Law
• Preferred minimum 1 year working experience
• Placement in Cibitung
Send your application along with CV, copy of ID, the last diploma, letters of reference from a previous company and the last photo 4 x 6 to:
HRD Division
JL. Raya Imam Bonjol Km 26.2
Cibitung-Bekasi 17520
Include the position at the top left corner of the envelope, or:
Via e-mail: --- Update : Saturday, October 22, 2011
.....SCTV dare you to join with talented and high competence people....
Jakarta Raya
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
Required language(s): English.
At least 4 year(s) of working experience as an Auditor in Public Accountant.
Preferably has experience in coordinating Financial Accounting & Reporting or Management/Cost Accounting/Business Analyst.
If you feel suitable with this requirements, come join us with put your recent / updated CV SEGERA KIRIMKAN LAMARAN DAN CV LENGKAP, KE :
HRD Recruitment (SCTV)
Gedung Argo Pantes Lt. 12A
Jl. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 22
Jakarta Selatan 12930
Jl. Dipati Unus no. 30 Cibodas Tangerang – 15138
PT. Bumitangerang Mesindotama which known as BT COCOA that engage in cocoa processing. We are a fast growing cocoa processing factory with export oriented, which is located in Tangerang.
Visit our website
Currently we are looking for young talented staffs who are competent and willing to work hard for the positions of :
* Having leadership and able work in team
* Good interpersonal & communication skill
* Able to motivate
* Able to communicate well
* Able to operate computer
* Familiar with ISO 22000:2005
* Male, age max. 35 years old
* Education min. D3 major in Machinery/Industrial Engineering/Electro from reputable University with GPA min. 2.75
* Main jobs description : Conducting preventive maintenance, Improving machineries performance, Analyzing and solving machineries problem
* Understand in English (min. passive)
* Willing to work in shift
PT. Bumitangerang Mesindotama (BT COCOA)
Jl. Dipati Unus no. 30 Cibodas Tangerang – 15138
Please send your application, resume or CV and recent photograph, not later than 2 weeks after the date of advertisement
LOWONGAN KERJA SMA PT. Kwalita Bali oktober 2011
Major Responsibilities:
* Assisting merchandisers in handling buyers’ request in product developments as well as in production
* Data entering new products information into company’s system.
* Weekly monitoring of production status and entering into company’s form for buyers’ review.
* Male/Female, minimum SMU graduate
* Good command in verbal and written English is a must
* Proficient in Microsoft Outlook MS Word, Excel and Power Point.
* Must be willing to relocate to Bali
Please send your CV along with your most recent photograph to:
PT. Kwalita Bali
Jl. Raya Kuta no. 80
Kuta, Bali 80361
Attn: HRD Dept
Email to
Jl. Prof. Dr. Latumenten
Kompleks Grogol Permai Blok D 4-5
Jakarta Barat 11460
PT Cipta Total Solusindo (CITASys Automation) was established in September 1997, we started the business as System Integrator for Automation, such as Industrial Automation, Process Control, and Factory Automation System. We provide Total Solution for Client from control equipment, electrical switchboard, Electrical Engineering, until Software Development.
Since 2002, our business grows rapidly and since then we became Electrical Contractor especially for Coal Mining Facility.
In 2004 we had opportunity to expand our service to Marine Industry and have succeed to export our services to overseas country, such as Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Spain, Turkey, and Italy. We are confident to declare that we are one of World Class Company in Control System Technology for Cement Carrier Vessel.
In 2009, we achieved ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certification to grow our business and services.
Now, we are looking for high quality candidate to join with our dynamic and growing team.
Drafter (DF)
- Male, max 30 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience as drafter for electrical drawing is a must
- Have excellent command on AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel and Word.
- Able to read, understand, and design drawing for Mechanical and Electrical
- Detail oriented, hardworking, responsible and team player.
- Able to work independently and have a good social communication
- Willing to travel local of overseas
Contact Address :
Interest candidates are invited to send your covering letter and detailed resume with recent photograph to the address / email below before 30 November 2011.
Please quote position code on your email subject or upper left side of the envelope. Email attachment size is not exceeding than 1 MB.
Recruitment Division
Jl. Prof. Dr. Latumenten
Kompleks Grogol Permai Blok D 4-5
Jakarta Barat 11460
Or email to :
Info Hasil Seleksi PPS BRI Titian Karir ITB Oktober 2011
TGL. 14-16 OKTOBER 2011
Tes lanjutan seleksi pps bri akan dilaksanakan pada :
- Hari/tanggal : sabtu/22 oktober 2011
- Waktu : pkl. 07.30 s.d selesai
- Tempat : aula kanwil bri bandung lt. 3
- Jl. Asia-afrika no. 57-59, bandung
Daftar peserta yang berhak mengikuti tes lanjutan seleksi pps bri :
- PPS UMUM : Download Disini
- PPS AUDITOR : Download Disini
- PPS IT : Download Disini
Peserta diwajibkan :
- Hadir 15 menit sebelum jadwal
- Mengingat/mencatat no tes
- Membawa asli identitas diri (ktp & sim)
- Membawa foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 3×4, 1 lembar
- Berpakaian bebas rapih & sopan
- Membawa alat tulis (pulpen, pensil hb, & pensil 2b, penghapus,dll.)
Pelamar yang namanya tidak tercantum dinyatakan gugur dalam seleksi pps bri
Read More :
Lowongan IT Terbaru di Bank BPD Bali bulan Oktober 2011 bidang Teknologi Informasi (TI)
Bank BPD Bali, membutuhkan tenaga dibidang Teknologi Informasi (TI) dan Treasury yang sanggup bekerja keras dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut:
Treasury (Dealer) (Kode TRS)
- Pria/Wanita belum menikah, dan bersedia tidak menikah selama 2 tahun
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2011
- Pelamar yang telah memiliki pengalaman kerja diberikan pengecualian maksimal umur sampai 30 tahun dan diperkenankan telah menikah
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani (melampirkan rekam medik), berpenampilan menarik, sopan dan ramah serta mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
- Pendidikan minimal lulusan Program S1 dari disiplin ilmu: Ekonomi (Manajemen/Akuntansi), Teknologi Pertanian, Teknik Sipil dengan IPK dari PTN minimal 3.00 dan PTS terakreditasi minimal 3,25
- Telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai dealer treasury minimal 2 tahun
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris dan mengoperasikan komputer minimal MS Office (Word, Excel)
- Mau bekerja keras dan mampu bekerja sama dalam team
- Lulus seleksi & bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja Bank BPD Bali
Tenaga IT (Kode IT)
1. Bagian Operasional (Kode IT.1)
- D3 Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Ilmu Komputer/Matematika
2. Bagian Pengembangan
a. Programmer (Kode IT.2)
- S1 Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Ilmu Komputer/Statistik/Matematika
b. System Analys (Kode IT.3)
- S1 Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Ilmu Komputer/Statistik/Matematika
3. Bagian Hardware/Jaringan
a. Jaringan (Kode IT.4)
- D3 dari Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektro/Ilmu Komputer
- Memiliki sertifikat MCSE/MCITP Windows 2008 Server Administrator/ sertifikat CCNA
b. Hadware (Kode IT.5)
- S1 Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektro/Ilmu Komputer
Persyaratan Lamaran:
Lamaran dilengkapi dengan masing-masing kode pekerjaan pada sisi kanan atas sampul dan surat lamaran, agar dikirim melalui:
PO Box Bank BPD Bali Nomor 3065
Lamaran agar dilengkapi dengan:
- Copy Ijazah dan IPK yang dilegalisir
- Copy KTP, Nomor Telpon dan alamat email
- Pas foto berwarna ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 2 lembar
- Surat Berkelakuan Baik
- Curiculum Vitae (CV)
- Surat pengalaman kerja bagi pekerjaan yang disyaratkan
Lamaran dimasukkan mulai tanggal 19 - 24 Oktober 2011
Setiap peserta hanya bisa mendaftar untuk satu posisi jabatan
Lamaran dimasukkan dalam Map:
1. Untuk S1 dengan warna Biru
2. Untuk D3 dengan warna Merah.
Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru di Rumah Sakit Pantai Indah Kapuk Tahun 2011
1. Clinic Manager
* Male /female, age max 37 years old
* General Practitioner with master degree (S2) in hospital management
* Having min 5 years experience as medical staff, or 3 years in management
2. Marketing Coordinator
* Male/female, age max 35 years old
* General Practitioner / Bachelor Degree (S1) with min 3 years experience in hospital marketing
3. Finance Staff
* Male/Female, D3/S1 in Accounting, age max 28 years old
* Having min 2 years experience as Accounting Staff, used to analyze financial report
4. Programmer / IT Staff
* Male/female, age max 25 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) in Information System / Computer Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Computer Accounting / Economic interested in creating and developing computer application (computer software application)
* Mastering Visual Basic or MS Access with MS SQL or Oracle as the database
General Qualifications:
* Hard worker, able to work within a team and quickly adapt with the environment, also have a wide interactions and high integrity
* Excellent in English both spoken and written (no. 1 and 2)
Send your complete resume, CV and recent photograph to:
Manager Dept. PSDM RS Pantai Indah Kapuk
Jl Pantai Indah Utara 3, PIK, Jakarta 14460
email :
Lowongan Pekerjaan Reporter Global TV Tahun 2011
* Bachelor Degree (S1) in Communication / Broadcast / Journalism
* Attractive Look(camera face)
* Age max 28 years
* Excellent in English
* Capability in writing the news
* 1 year experience as reporter
For those interested, can send a CV, complete resume and recent photograph to
HRD Global TV
Lowongan Teknik Medco Energi Oktober 2011
PT Medco Downstream Indonesia is a national company focuses in downstream industry from production, distribution of consumable energy products and renewable fuels. We are looking for a young engineering graduate who has experience as an assistant coordinator of the operational activities of coal, to join with our subsidiary specializes in the trading business as:
>Engineering degree from any majors
>Preferably from the area around Banjarmasin
>Maximum 28 years old
>Must have minimum 3 years work experience in coal company (producer/end user/trader)
>Having good knowledge of coal market is an advantage
>Ready for the interview in the second week of november
If you meet the qualifications above, send your recent photographs, application letter and CV’s immediately with some of recognized accomplishment by email (in microsoft word or pdf format not more than 700 KB) to
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mayora
Min.DIII education, preferably SI
GPA min. 2.75 from an accredited University
Maximum age 28 years
Preferred mastering English (Active)
Mastering MS Office
Experience in banking in a similar position at least 1 (one) year
Female, Single and attractive (No. 3 and 4)
Male (No. 1 and 5)
Preferred Education min DIII majoring in Technology / Information Systems (No. 2)
Understanding how to analyze the Company's Financial Statements (No. 6)
Having a clear voice pronunciation and accent areas (No. 5)
Willing to work shift system (No. 5)
Willing to follow the provisions on working effectively with the schedule Monday to Sunday (5)
Having an extensive Customer Base (No. 6)
Willing to work in accordance with the targets set (6)
Willing to be placed in the working area of PT Bank Mayora, with a description of the location code as follows:
Bandung : BDG, Cirebon : CRB, Garut : GRT, Tasikmalaya : TML, Purwakarta : PWR
Tangerang : TGR, Jakarta : JKT Depok : DPK, Bogor : BGR, Kerawang : KRW, Bekasi : BKS
Please send full CV with attachments, by stating the position code and location code in the right corner of the envelope, not later than October 30, 2011 to the following address:
Jln Tomang Raya Kav.21-23 Jakarta, 11440 --- Update : Thursday, October 20, 2011
Lowongan D3 Accounting Gempol Jatim Oktober 2011
Engineering Support Accounting ( ESO ACC )
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Lowongan D3 Accounting Gempol Jatim Oktober 2011
10/18/2011 by Lowongan Kerja
Lowongan D3 Accounting Gempol Jatim Oktober 2011 posisi Engineering Support Accounting ( ESO ACC ) PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia
Engineering Support Accounting ( ESO ACC )
A. Female
B. Age max. 27 years
C. Graduated form D3 Accounting
D. Fresh Graduate or having 1 year of relevant experience
E. Willing be placed in Gempol Porong, Pasuruan, East Java
F. Mature, meticulous, responsible, and hard worker
If you meet the above qualifications, please kindly send your CV & recent photograph to:
Human Resources Department
PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia
Jl. Raya Wonoayu 26, Belakang Desa Gempol
Kec. Gempol. Kab. Pasuruan 67155, East Java
Note : Put code on subject.
Please send before October 21th, 2011
Lowongan News Presenter RCTI TV
RCTI is a tv station that has the largest network in Indonesia. Through its 48 relay station, RCTI programs witnessed by about 180 million viewers in 302 cities spread throughout the archipelago, or approximately 80% of the total population in Indonesia. This demographic conditions with attractive programs design, followed by a good rating, attracting advertisers to display their promo on RCTI.
Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia, the leading private television station, is looking for :
News Presenter (Code: PRES)
Bachelor degree, any major
Proven strong passion in Journalism
Good Appearance
Possess broad knowledge
Fluent in English (spoken & written)
Good communication skills
Strong interpersonal relationship skill
Able to work under pressure
Have the ability to work individually as well as a team
Reporter – Cameraman (Code: Rep/Cam)
Bachelor degree, any major
Have min. 1 year experience as Reporter/Cameraman
Possess broad knowledge
Proven strong passion in Journalism
Good communication skills
Strong interpersonal relationship skill
Able to work under pressure
Have the ability to work individually as well as a team
Account Executive (Code: AE)
University degree (S1), any major, from reputable university
Proven strong presentation skill
Good communication and negotiation skill
Strong interpersonal relationship skill
Have the ability to build new professional networking
Possess high level of achievement motivation
Good team player
If you are keen to pursue a career in an exciting and growing industry and at the same time work with highly motivated and bonded team, please send your resume to:
Human Resource Department
PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia
Jl. Raya Pejuangan Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530 (Put the job code at the right top corner of the envelope)
Lowongan s1 PT Smart Tbk Tarjun Kalimantan Selatan
Recognized as one of major world players in palm oil industries, PT Smart Tbk. is eager to work together with competent talents as our Key Members for the following positions
Qualification :
. Male/Female, Max 30 years old
2. Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent from reputable university
3. Having min-1 years experience in the same field
4. Having Brevet A & B certified
5.Integrity, honesty, persistent & good working in a team
6. Willing to be placed in Tarjun – Kalimantan Selatan
Send your CV to with subjek : Tax Tarjun
Loker D3 PT Indah Karya BUMN Oktober 2011 Bandung
PT Indah Karya adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang konsultasi teknik dan manajemen. Perusahaan ini memiliki dua unit usaha yaitu Indah Karya Register Certification Services (IKRCS) yang bergerak di bidang sertifikasi manajemen, dan unit Layanan Jasa Konstruksi (ELJEKA) yang merupakan pelaksana konstruksi.
Tenaga Teknik Lingkungan
dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Pria Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan S1/D3 Teknik Lingkungan
Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Lamaran dikirimkan kepada:
Kepala Biro Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT Indah Karya (Persero)
Jl. Golf No. 2A Ujung Berung Bandung-40294
Bimbingan Praktis Ahli Teknik PT Pertamina
PT Pertamina (Persero) adalah badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) yang menjalankan bidang usaha minyak, gas serta energi baru dan terbarukan secara terintegrasi. Saat ini, Pertamina berkomitmen mendorong proses transformasi internal dan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan guna mencapai standar internasional dalam pelaksanaan operasional dan tata kelola lingkungan yang lebih baik, serta peningkatan kinerja perusahaan sebagai sasaran bersama. Sebagai perusahaan migas nasional, Pertamina berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan antara pencapaian keuntungan perusahaan dengan kualitas pelayanan publik. Dengan 53 tahun pengalaman menghadapi tantangan di lingkungan geologi Indonesia, Pertamina merupakan perintis pengernbangan usaha gas alam cair atau Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG).
Lingkup usaha Pertamina terrnasuk dalam melakukan eksplorasi dan produksi migas; pengolahan kilang minyak. manufaktur dan pemasaran produk-produk energi dan petrokimia; pengembangan BBM nabati, tenaga panas bumi dan sumber-sumber energi alternatif lain. Kegiatan operasi dan fasilitas infrastruktur Pertamina tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Pertamina melayani kebutuhan energi bagi lebih dari 220 juta rakyat Indonesia.
Penerimaan Pekerja Baru
PT Pertamina (Persero) Direktorat Pengolahan
PT Pertamina (Persero) mengoperasikan 6 (enam) unit kilang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia: Refinery Unit II Dumai – Riau, Refinery Unit III Plaju – Sumatera Selatan, Refinery Unit IV Cilacap – Jawa Tengah, Refinery Unit V Balikpapan – Kalimantan Timur, Refinery Unit VI Balongan – Jawa Barat, Refinery Unit VII Sorong – Papua Barat.
Kami mengajak tenaga muda potensial untuk menjadi bagian dari Semangat Terbarukan Pertamina. Mari bersama mengembangkan potensi menuju perusahaan kelas dunia, dengan mengikuti seleksi penerimaan pekerja baru Operator dan Teknisi di PT Pertamina (Persero) Direktorat Pengolahan melalui program:
Persyaratan Umum:
Sesuai sifat pekerjaan diutamakan laki-laki.
Usia maksimal 24 tahun di tahun 2011.
Pendidikan akhir D3 Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Analis Kimia, Kimia Industri, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat (Listrik), Teknik Elektro Arus Lemah (Instrumen), Teknik Lingkungan.
IPK minimal 2,75
Akreditasi jurusan diutamakan A.
Skor TOEFL minimal 400
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Pertamina.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap kunjungi klik menu career atau
PT Pertamina (Persero) hanya mengundang kandidat terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi. Keputusan untuk memanggil kandidat dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak PT Pertamina (Persero) yang tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Proses rekruitmen PT Pertamina (Persero) berlandaskan corporate value “CLEAN”. Kami tidak melayani surat-menyurat dan tidak memungut biaya apapun (hati-hati dengan penipuan).
Semangat Terbarukan
Lowongan Kerja BNI Syariah Solo Oktober 2011
PT Bank BNI Syariah founded in 2000 and is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank BNI Syariah operates as a subsidiary of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. As new Islamic Banking in Indonesia (Spin Off from BNI on June 19, 2010), BNI Syariah try to give the best performance and service to its stake holders. PT Bank BNI Syariah provides banking services. With the number of 27 branches and 31 branch offices and 15 division at Head Office, BNI Syariah managed with a total staff of 749 persons as of June 2010, and currently had grown to 880 employees who will continue to grow in accordancewith its business development BNI Syariah.
Lowongan Kerja Asisten BNI Syariah KC Solo Oktober 2011